
That bull ended up being turned into mince meat, but he sure as hell went out in a blaze of glory.
He had some fun in his last minutes on earth.

See ya's.
Got a bit of a laugh out of the attached video when one of the guys tried pulling it's tail - seemed really ineffective. :rolleyes:
That bull ended up being turned into mince meat, but he sure as hell went out in a blaze of glory.
He had some fun in his last minutes on earth.

See ya's.

a few spectators were turned into mince meat too.

and as the Spanish waiter said to the meatball lover who complained about the small balls: "Senor, sometimes zee bull, he doez not alwayz lose."

oh sorry....that's SPACEBALLS .....:rolleyes:
Go bull.. good to see him going out in style :D

Here is a link a Spanish friend sent me a while ago.. Unfortunately the youtube video doesn't work anymore.. but the story says that the bullfighter tripped and fell over, and was sitting on the sand when the charged at him in the head. One of the horns went through the left side of his neck and came out his mouth!! you can see that in the photo :eek:

It finishes with
Bull 1
Bullfighter 0 :D
Go bull.. good to see him going out in style :D

It finishes with
Bull 1
Bullfighter 0 :D

That's amazing VB. I have a professional interest in trauma like this.
The guy is seriously lucky. According to the story the horn penetrated the neck without interrupting the carotid artery, jugular vein, maxilla, palate, or brain. That is so flukey. Sounds like he had damage to to floor of his mouth, trachea, vagus nerve, and esophagus.

The poor bull has had a bad run of it though. The picadores have successfully opened up the neck and shoulder muscles to weaken the uplift of the horns. And it has around 5 banderillas stuck in it to further weaken the muscles. This is so the matador can get close enough to stick a sword downwards between the shoulder blades into the heart, which is the most dangerous part of the fight.

Just found the video - still on utube here. Warning...It is pretty gruesome to watch.

It's a big bull with very long horns. One of the other matadors gets a well placed sword to the bull's heart in the end. Death is quick as cardiac output drops off rapidly, and the brain is quickly deprived of oxygen. Unconsciousness is quick and clinical death a minute or two later. A bullet or bolt to the brain would be more humane though.

The matador is seriously seriously lucky he is alive and not a quadriplegic.

Check these bull jumpers out.....totally insane...
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This 'sport' is disgusting & anyone involved in it is just despicable. It makes me cry to see these terrified animals put through this indignity. How scared that bull must have been to jump into the crowd.

Tradition be damned. We've supposedly evolved as a human race yet we still see this as 'entertainment'.

I'm glad when anyone involved gets gored, spiked, torn open or worse.

Sorry for the rant, this just pushes my buttons :(
This is an unfair sport/ tradition/ entertainment: the bull is wounded/ weakened even before it starts. It'll be killed even if it wins.

I'm with mary&mat - happy when anyone involved gets killed or worse (clean up the gene pool and all that).
And we humans think we are so great... :(

The cow (and bull) give so much to us humans.

Why don't they just put some horns on the front of a motorbike and chase each around on it? There would still be blood and glory for the masses to cheer for (them that like that sort of thing) and leave the blimmin' bulls alone.
The people making money would still make money and the, er, spectators that love watching this sort of thing probably wouldn't notice much difference.
I cannot watch the videos and am also on the side of the bulls. These "brave" matadors are disgusting, and everyone else involved should know better.

If they MUST do this to prove their masculinity, why not be REALLY brave and give the poor bull a fighting chance without damaging it beforehand.

Like most things, it all comes down to the mighty dollar. This "sport" brings in the dollars.
Wylie, I don't advocate bull fighting either, but I think a lot of westerners are hypocrites today. They stuff themselves on beef, chicken, sheep, and pork, with absolutely no idea how inhumane living conditions are for animals. At least the bulls in a bull fight die reasonably quickly. Much better than a life time in confined crowded spaces.

You can always watch the bull fighting antics in Columbia. The bulls aren't killed there, only dumb humans.
I agree Winston, but two wrongs do not make a right.

Different arguments, different solutions. One thing at a time perhaps?