Need Tips for removing grout

Depends on the tile, and the thickness of the bits of grout. If the bits of grout are chunky, using a scraper (preferably a flexible thin one made of stainless steel that you buy from bunnings for 5 bucks) is the way to go, but test the scraper in a non obvious area in case it leaves marks (as mild steel scrapers tend to do)

If the grout is really thin/extensive and otherwise an impossible mission to remove because of, say, your tiles being porous, then you're looking at an acid wash to clean them up.

The type of grout is important as well - white grouts tend to be plaster based, soft, and removable with your fingernail/a bit of scrubbing. Dark grouts tend to be cement based and hard as hell.

Whatever you do, take your time - I've seen a few tile jobs ruined by an acid wash when the builder was too lazy to spend a long time and serious elbow grease with a scraper or white scourer.
I hate grout (have also been trying to remove some recently). If you find that a scraper works but not quite, get a razor blade (even better for flicks of paint). Try not to slice a finger off and do it carefully so you don't scratch the tiles... it is a tedious job though :(