Now all of you who said prices would never come down...

It's because you assume people and markets are rational. They're not,

hear, hear

I felt it was better to ride the trend of the collective mass delusion than sit back and pointlessly throw logic pebbles at the stampeding herd in the vain hope they would stop stampeding and listen to reason.
Alex - I have to ask you, is this a full time gig for you?

How do you find time to drop 7000 posts on this site?

Two reasons:

1. He works for a bank, and we all know they're just blood-sucking parasites that don't do any "real" work, so he's got plenty of time on his hands. ;)

2. He types quickly, really really quickly...

That about sums it up. I use a computer all day so it's normal to have lots of screens open, including Somersoft.

I can type 75 words a minute when I focus. It doesn't take long for me to write a post, and this is the only forum I post on.
I hate to gloat (but I'm gonna anyway), but the last typing test I took I was on 125 words per minute, and that was on one of the big old fashioned clunkers made in about 1950 :p
I hate to gloat (but I'm gonna anyway), but the last typing test I took I was on 125 words per minute, and that was on one of the big old fashioned clunkers made in about 1950 :p

are you sure that wasn't 12.5 words per min wylie..:p thats like 2 words per second ..! or do you have a terminator arm :cool:
Noone has mentioned the fact that Alex signed up over three and a half years ago! So it's really only 5 or 6 posts a day (every day for 3.5 years) :)
No terminator arm, just a quick typist. I topped my college year in shorthand too at 140 wpm and then trained for court reporting. Got to 160 wpm and joined the bank. Kind of glad I didn't do court reporting, as it is/was a very stressful career path to follow.

Shorthand is a dying art but it allowed me very quick promotions in the bank.

Have you any idea how painful it is for a typist to watch her husband and children pick at a keyboard with two fingers :p:p. Excruciating.
No terminator arm, just a quick typist. I topped my college year in shorthand too at 140 wpm and then trained for court reporting. Got to 160 wpm and joined the bank. Kind of glad I didn't do court reporting, as it is/was a very stressful career path to follow.

Shorthand is a dying art but it allowed me very quick promotions in the bank.

Ouch. I bow in the presence of a true professional. 75 would only be a good amateur. Having said that, I've seen secretarial jobs asking for 45, 50 words a minute.
LOL Alex. Those jobs are the ones like our friend's architect business used to hire.

He used to tell us about his conversations with the attractive, blond bimbos who were hired as receptionist -

He: Hi. I'm back from lunch. Any calls?
She: Yes.
He: Who called?
She: Can't remember his name.
He: Did you write it down?
She: Sorry (smile).

He reckoned this lasted only a few weeks and she was sacked. Next girl hired was another attractive, blond bimbo. She looked good too, but didn't have a clue either.

I am in no way saying blondes are bimbos, but these young, busty bimbos were hired for their looks, with no thought to the fact that they were fronting a major architecture office.

I think after the second or third dud, they wised up and actually hired somebody who could do the job AND looked good :rolleyes:. Funny thing was that the men hiring were well in their 40's or older. Should have known better, but possibly heading for their mid-life crises.

I don't need to say I am a brunette, do I? :p
Congratulations. Now the question is, do either of us type anything other people want to read?

Actually - I type pretty fast but I don't know the speed. I just made up the number 76 for kicks. I suppose I could google a typing test!!?? Must be out there.

Do I type stuff people want to read ... probably not ... but it's good therapy anyway.
i'm pleased to see we're focused on the thread.

I suppose i did start it.

Anyway, back to falling house prices...

Enough of falling house price drivvle greedy saffa

I think we all get the point after 135 posts onthis subject so no point doing it to death !

So who else types faster than 60 wpm..:D
Typing quickly has been a great attribute for me. It has allowed me to complete many assignments at the last minute! Being a pianist by trade my fingers are fairly dexterious and able to move quickly. Although the 'young guns' coming through have amazing techniques on the piano, and I have no doubt that they could type much faster than me.

Greedy Saffa.

Capital Growth or lack there of, or negative growth comes with the territory of investing in property. (Or any asset class). Maintaining one's cash flow is of paramount importance at all times, as is monitoring one's investments ensuring that one's strategy is in line with one's personal goals. (Short term, medium term and long term). To look at just one element of investing in property (ie continual growth, or stagnant growth or -ve growth) is taking a one dimensional view.

Regards Jason.