Oops - Missing American Dad!

What am I doing here - American Dad's on, then The Family Guy.

Don't know if you saw last week's Family Guy - one of the funniest moments that I've ever seen on tele was in last week's episode - I was crying and could hardly breath I was laughing so hard. 4 blokes (well, including a dog & a baby), a bottle of Ipecac syrup and a bet for the last slice of pie in the fridge....

Guess you had to be there...:D
Love family guy and american dad :)

Don't suppose anyone saw the Virgin Mary South Park episode that was banned (downloaded it). Now that was funny.

I'm a big fan of Family Guy, been a favourite for years.

I have a suspicion that American Dad is the manifestation of all of the jokes not good enough to make it on Family Guy...

My 2.2 cents on the matter :)


Of course, now can't watch Family Guy or Futurama without thinking of Glebe or See_Change on the forums...

BTW - nice dancing on the Family Guy last night Glebe! Don't know if you saw it - very funny...
JamesGG said:
I have a suspicion that American Dad is the manifestation of all of the jokes not good enough to make it on Family Guy...

They have a quite different approach though - Family Guy seems to really use side-lines to squeeze everything out of each pun.