Personal Development anyone?

Its hard to describe all of it, but one of the central themes is the self image. What you achieve and do comes down to the way you fundamentally are. For example, someone who sees themselves as overweight will struggle to lose weight because their behaviors will always revert back to being consistent with the way they see themselves. If you are told at school that you are bad at a certain subject, you may always be bad at it, even though you really arent. Its just that your self image is set that way.

So to be successful, going to ra-ra seminars wont help you. You'll come home and for a couple of days you'll feel good, but unless you change your self image itself, a few days later the good feeling will wear off and your behaviors will again be consistent with your self-image.

Thanks for the recommendation Tubs. Joined up to Audible myself and have just started this book - about an hour into it, and so far makes a lot of sense.

Are there any other self improvement books etc. you would recommend? I've decided to start listening to them in my car on the way to and from work each day (this book is a monster at 11hrs!). Audible seems to be the cheapest with their monthly subscription option.
Hi guys,

I have always been a big advocate of personal growth/development. I believe that everything we experience in our life, be it good or bad, teaches us something about ourselves.

One of my favourite books is "Hug the Monster" by Smith and Leicester.


Personal dev is great, I've been reading the blog of Steve Pavlina who is absolutely obsessed with it! It's got pretty good free (ad-driven) content, he tries alot of life improvement ideas and posts his results.

I like his idea of the "30 day trial" to implement new ideas into your life. Basically you only try to change one major thing about yourself at a time, and you don't commit to it for the long term because that's too much pressure. You commit to try it only for 30 days, and if you don't like it at the end of it you know that you can go back to normal.
For example I'm on a trial now to get up at 7am each morning instead of working late at night time I want to work in the day more.
The theory is that after 30 days it has become a habit, and you will want to stick with it anyway.

He's done some pretty interesting sleep trials as well such as Polyphasic Sleep. His site is

I have always been a big advocate of personal growth/development. I believe that everything we experience in our life, be it good or bad, teaches us something about ourselves.

Right on!

The most *everyday-ordinary* people, can teach you? the most extra ordinary things. Learning stuff is everywhere.