Pricefinder property search tool - who wants to join us for cheap access

Pricefinder has 2 reporting tools.

One provides sales history data, which covers all states. The other is owner contact detail information, which is state by state, and only certain states (VIC isn't one of them)

Investar doesn't offer owner contact details for any state. I don't use RP data, so can't advise.
I used a trial of Investar I liked how you could find properties by rental yield and discount etc. I wish I could afford to subcrib to them. Dose Pricefinder do the same?
I used a trial of Investar I liked how you could find properties by rental yield and discount etc. I wish I could afford to subcrib to them. Dose Pricefinder do the same?

Pricefinder doesn't have that search functionality.

Investar is better for reviewing what is already for sale on the market. Pricefinder is better for approaching owners directly.