Private Building Certifier - Western Sydney

If anyone can recommend one I'd be interested too.

Are you also looking to build a granny flat? Or have you already built one?
If anyone can recommend one I'd be interested too.

Are you also looking to build a granny flat? Or have you already built one?

Ha, you are on the ball :) I wanted to speak to an understanding private certifier about the possibility of having my g/flat approved under the new rules.
I called today and spoke to Sean at

He told me that private certifiers can only approve new constructions where plans have been submitted and approved by council prior to construction. If I want to have an unapproved structure approved, I have no choice but to do it through the council process. I think I'll give it a miss for now :)

Are you in the same boat?
Im actually looking to build one so im trying to track down someone who take care of the whole thing for me, but like a mastertons but for Granny flats.
I don't know what council area your is in, but for the area where mine is, you can see all the DA's on the council website. They usually show who the builder is. Have a look and you might see that one particular builder is doing a lot of g/flats in the area. This was the case when I looked at my council site today. I would guess that these are the builders who know the process and will pull it off smoother than a builder who normally does other work?
Its in Parramatta council. Never thought of doing that, ill have a look at their website and see what i can find. Thanks.
try this mob...don't know how "understanding" they are though:

Greenfield Private Certifiers...

don't have their number on hand, but so far my dealings with them have been ok
BTW, just my 2 cents but provided your site meets the new affordable housing SEPP requirements for granny flat, the specialist area of the Priv Certifier is half irrelevant. You just need to find an outfit who are more interested in facilitating your development than standing in the way of approval (council is effectively bypassed when you use a PC). I was lucky enough to find a company of like minded individuals after tossing out the ones who i thought weren't up to the task;)
Just had my garage conversion to granny approved by PC under new legislation. Actually it was approved just prior to Xmas.

Did you submits plans to council before construction? Or was it build, then you got the certifiers involved?

Maybe I should try a little harder and ring a few more..
Well its either or...

eitehr you go thru council or you get a Priv Certifier. Process is:

1. Check legislation to see if your block/site qualifies for a granny under the new SEPP
2. order a S149 cert from council
3. if all looks good above, draw up plans via draftsman
4. lodge CD application with council or find a Priv Cert. who'll do it for you

To answer your question, you get the PC involved before ANYTHING. You cant build till u get approval.