QLD Residential B Zoning

hi all

wondering if someone could clarify what residential B zone is in Qld such as:

can the land be used for multiple dwellings?
what's the minimum lot size?
what are the height restrictions?

any other info would be much appreciated.

Res B is an old zoning that pops up on RP Data still. Equates to LMR in most instances. Search the Council Site for the zoning and then look at the plan.
Res B is an old zoning that pops up on RP Data still. Equates to LMR in most instances. Search the Council Site for the zoning and then look at the plan.

hi RPI

thanks for the response.

the council's zoning for that parcel actually says Residential B i guess that have yet to use the new system. the planning scheme says that residential B lots need to be minimum 1200 sqm with 20m frontage in your experience are there any exceptions?