Reno Advice on unit purchase?

No problems hope the info assists. Grubar30 supplied alot of good info especially on the practical side earlier in the post.

I've got some pics as mentioned but they are to big to load onto the forum apparently (I get this message when I try). I'll have to do some reading of the FAQs etc and see if I can work out how to put them on.

Note that I just realised I'd left the cost of equipment I purchased for the painting that we did ourselves. You could add another $200 - $300 on for this equipment (step up ladder, rollers and brushes etc, ground sheeting, cheap sander...).

In terms of the financing of the Reno I funded it out of savings but have the go ahead from the bank to extend the loan to cover the reno expenses. I'll do this when I need the cash for the next property.

Also, if anyone has any idea about how this result measures up in terms of the result acheived for the expenditure I'd be interested. It's the first time I've done it and I would like to know what people with experience doing renos think.


Thank you for the post. Though 4 years ago and this gives me a very good starting point and so much learnings.

Glad i went through it.
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