Should we all be very worried?

Should we be concerned?

Does this mean us investors will no longer have people to rent to?
Which means we will no longer be able to pay for our interest only loans? We would then have to sell our properties and invest the residue somewhere else for our retirement income. I wonder where? :confused:
Regards Ray

The Tasmanian Govt already has the Streets Ahead initiative.

After all, you can buy a three bedroom house at Zeehan for $29,000.

And you can rent a three bedroom house at Zeehan for $60 per week.

Trouble is, whenever a government (any government) interferes with the market, there is always a rebound.

Apparently, the mortgage sales have already started in the outer growth corridors where so many First Home Buyer's Grants were claimed.

Sad, but true: The only success is when people are ready themselves to take on the committment. All the incentives in the world won't make a sceric of difference in the long run.

So should we - the investors - be worried?


I have rented at various times. Before houses, inbetween houses, when at a distance from home, during peculiar times in my life, etc

And there are very many people whose circumstances will always preclude the desire or ability to 'buy' their own home.

But an astute investor will have a mixed bag of investments, not just triple fronted cream brick veneers suitable for nucleur families.


No worries here.
As someone once said "the poor will allways be with us" (or something like that).
There are heaps of people around who WANT to rent .... they just can't see themselves ever owning a house. Just yesterday I was listening in on a conversation (yeah evesdropping) where one of the participants was relating how glad he was that he didn't have to pay rates & insurance ..... he wasn't going to get into a situation where 'they' were going to rip him off!!
Good affordable rental properties are going to be a goldmine for a long time yet.
There will be a market for rental properties as long as we have a shortage of land :)

Many people don't want to own their own house (including some property investors).

It may become possible for more people to buy, that that doesn't mean they will choose to.


I think that giving more incentives for people to get into property ownership, and to give more people the chance to buy property will result in higher house prices. Not a bad thing for those already with property.

There must be an election or something in the air with all of this recent "good stuff for joe average" coming from Canberra.