Subdividing procedure and costs?

I own 980sqm block in Riverton,WA and it fall under R17.5/25 of City of canning. Wondering how much it cost for subdividing into 3 blocks? and how long it will take for getting green titles etc from council? and all costs involved who can help me in whole procedure, or whom shoud I contact? Thanks in advance
Step 1: What is city of cannings requirements in order to get the r25 bonus zoning?
2: survey block $1000+ 2-3 weeks
2a: surveyor to lodge it/ take care of it all to get titles and all fees etc 5-10k
3: lodge application with wapc $3000+ And 90days
4: meet conditions
4a power dome is $1500 for two lot subsidised but 3 or more now i think full cost will be required. No sudsidy from weatern power. Start this early has taken me 5 months from application to installation of dome.
4b watercorp headworks fees 7k per lot
4c demo house etc 10-15k depending on asbestos etc
5 site works like trees etc.
5a crossovers for lots $2000+
5b services to lots ie sewerage $1000+ depending on existing
6 fencing? $65-75 pm colourbond
7 council contributions or open space levy? You need to check this with council

Title could take anywhere from 8-12 months from wapc application.

Are you planning to build on them?


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