Sydney prices to eclipse all other states

so Bon it will take you about 7 months to get back to square one with a $10 a week rent rise if it cost you $300 to move. Just in time for a rent increase at your new place.

I am not trying to sound nasty but it seems a bit extreme to accept everything else goes up except the price of rent.

Rent is going up more than $10/wk.
May I ask if you actually own any IP's yourself? Just seemed like a very strange thing to say, because if you treat your IP's with the commercial mindset you should be, then raising rent in line with market increases is far from difficult as I'm sure the vast majority of landlords here on SS would agree.

As for moving being a piece of cake. Maybe if its literally just you and you have little by way of ties. If on the other hand you have anyone else to think of i.e wife/husband, kids, elderly parents etc then I would seriously question this logic.

Theres a reason they say moving if the 5th most stressful event in the average persons life. Thats after deaths, births, marriage and divorce btw.

Well said and I agree 100%!

I've no problems with maintaining my rents at market value. It's a business and should be treated accordingly.