teeth problems

Has anyone else had unexpected dental problems come up and take a chunk of your money?

I got king hit a little over a month ago when I was working security... tooth was partially dislodged, I went to the hospital within 30mins of it happening. Doctor there told me my jaw wasn't broken (duh, I knew that) and to go see a dentist to fix my tooth.

36 hours later after it happened I got into the dentist, my tooth was dead... nonetheless, they pushed it back in and they're gonna try and crown it. I'm looking at a minimum of $3k if they can crown it, otherwise $6k for a false tooth.

Good thing is I have been able to identify who hit me, got his name and I have a witness... he has been arrested, I will eventually have to go to court for it and I'll hopefully be reimbursed for the costs.
Where did that tooth go?

I've got a mouth full of fillings, no wisdoms left and one root canal ...

The biggest shock was waking up one morning and finding out that I was missing half a wisdom tooth. I have no idea where the other half got to, but it was there the night before ...

The root canal was completed by a dentist in Brisbane at the mighty cost of $350 over three visits. He was great, and I continue to go to see him. He has managed to drill and fill a cavity without anaesthetic and without pain - which brings him close to God status, as far as I'm concerned (I have an absolute horror of dentists!) He also often starts work at 6 in the morning, which is great for getting to see him before I have to get to work.

Cheers, don't forget to floss!

I need to do two implants for my back teeth. The cost will be around $4000 for two implants plus $3000-6000 for two crowns.

Health cover will only give me back about $600.


I am thinking of maybe doing this overseas???
^^ Why do you need those done?

You know why old people have sunk mouths? Its because all or most of their teeth are gone so their gums waste away. This is what happens to people who have teeth missing. While I am only 28 now i am already starting to see the teeth above the missing spots are growing longer and in a wierd way.

Basically its to make sure that my mouth is healthy in 20-30 years time.
Believe it or not, I had gum surgery a while ago. What a hoot that was. Spitting out stitches, slurping through straws...and having to finally shut up! Capped off a great month when you factor in the relationship breakup, paydrop, mediation, 2.5K C'link backpayment to the ex., and extra study units. Yep, the ol' gum surgery was a walk in the park!
Luckily, I avoided the straightjacket, and it's all good nooooowwww.
Believe it or not, I had gum surgery a while ago. What a hoot that was. Spitting out stitches, slurping through straws...and having to finally shut up! Capped off a great month when you factor in the relationship breakup, paydrop, mediation, 2.5K C'link backpayment to the ex., and extra study units.
Virtual hugs coming your way, Skye, that sounds like a month best put in the rear view mirror!
Went to the dentist last week to find out how much to get a tooth pulled. He said "350 bucks "
I asked him if he could do it cheaper, and he said not really because of the cost of the anesthetic.
So I said " Whats the price with no anesthetic" and he replied "100 bucks "

I said "Book my wife in for Tuesday next week"

Time for a laugh, I recon

I've never had a big dentist bill, thankfully.

The only thing I've ever had done is one wisdom tooth out (more to come later). Didn't feel a thing and it only cost $100 or so. I have a great dentist :D

This episode of the Simpsons has always been one of my favourites -

Fwiw, I have just returned from Bangkok where dental treatment was really cheap and the dentists very professional. Try a google search of the major hospitals, some even advertise their prices. i.e root canals from $250. The savings could be enough to take your family on a nice holiday to Thailand whilst you have the treatment!
OTOH, I just trated a guy for a toothache (secondary to dental abscess) after having dental work done in Thailand... I referred him back to a dentist in Australia to have it fixed. There were no savings in it for him...
Also for people with babies, they often don't know when to start brushing, when to use fluoridated toothpaste (or what strength)...
Good points... I have taken my kids to the dentist every 6 months from the age of 2 onwards. It gets them used to the environment, so they don't develop a phobia later on. Regular check-ups are an important way to prevent major dental problems. I have a 6 monthly check-up with the kids. It is covered under Medibank Private with no out of pocket costs.
I was very careful not to put my dentist fear onto my kids.

I found a great dentist for them. My daughter needed brases and my son said it wasn't fair because she went every month and he only went every 6 months for a checkup and clean. He made it fun. They wore sunglasses and had to touch their nose to make the chair go back etc.

They used to count down the days until they went. I couldn't believe it.
Lynnee, way cool dentist!

I think this thread put a hex on me. I had to go to the dentist yesterday. I suspected I'd need root canal but thankfully not so. Pain is is responding to treatment/meds. :eek: