Kids and overbite/braces/orthodontist Brisbane

Sorry, this is a property forum, right? Just on the off chance someone may have a solution to the following, or be able to recommend a forum (kids/mums/health ? forums) or info that may help.

My 12 year old daughter has an overbite which needs to be corrected for health reasons, which I have been aware of for 7 years from dental checks. I've seen an orthodontist in Perth (over the years) who said she will need a plate to bring here front teeth back. After moving I saw 2 dentists and an orthodontist in Brisbane, who all suggested she needed braces. I expressed my shock and told them I was told she would only need a plate. Still feeling like it wasn't the right decision, while in Perth I saw the same orthodontist again, just to check if her teeth had changed dramatically. He explained that braces are used for straightening, her teeth are straight and she needed her teeth to be pulled back, which would best be done with a plate. Once you have braces you run the risk of your teeth rotting with food getting stuck, so a plate is much better for teeth. If anyone has a suggestion of an orthodontist who isn't heavy on using braces unnecessary, I would extremely appreciate the tip!
Hi Invstor

All 3 of my children have had braces (unfortunately!) and none of them have had problems with rotting teeth- this can all be managed effectively with proper hygiene and diet, naturally :)

You really need to seek a few opinions before making a decision as each ortho may recommend different solutions, depending on severity of bite etc. PM me if you want a name for Brissy or the Sunshine Coast at all.
Ask about a product (removable braces) called invisalign (I think). Ive seen it fix an moderate overbite for a 11-13 y.o. Primarily used to straighten teeth too.
Heres another POV for you.

I went to an orthodontist at that age. They said I needed braces due to an overbite. I said no (because i didn't want to be teased at school).

Nearly 18 years later, I've got 4 wisdom teeth coming down at 45 degree angles pushing the rest of the teeth together. Orthodontist says, good thing you never had bracers. :rolleyes:
My 12 year old daughter has an overbite...

I had a plate to fix my underbite when I was about 10. I remember it made me talk funny. It was a pink plate and everyone thought I had bubble gum on my teeth. It was very useful for biting ice blocks though - no cold teeth. I am sure they have changed since the 70's!

Once you have braces you run the risk of your teeth rotting with food getting stuck, so a plate is much better for teeth.

My son has had braces for 18 months (wow doesn't feel like that long). They will be removed in 2 weeks. My other son will have braces fitted next year.

Regular trips to the Orthodonist (every 8 weeks) and if there is a problem the hygenist helps with any cleaning issues. Usual check ups with the Dentist haven't picked anything at all up with my Son's teeth.

After seeing so many kids with such beautiful teeth after having braces, I really wish I had braces instead of a plate when I was younger, although I don't even know if it was an option back then. The plate fixed my front teeth, but it didn't bring the side teeth out like braces would have done.

You have 4 opinions now, 3 have suggested braces, and 1 has suggested a plate and you are still hesitant.....

How about a visit to any orthodontist and look through their before and after shots. Most have albums. See if any teeth look like your daughters and see if that helps you make your decision.

Seeing those beautiful smiles sold it for me.

Most orthodontists will suggest braces at the drop of a hat.

It's a great money spinner for them.

Sometimes they are needed, but most of the time it's just cosmetic.

I can suggest a great dentist on the central coast of NSW, but that ain't much help.
Thanks everyone heaps for your opinions and experiences. I just had the bright idea to google Brisbane and Twin Block (which is what she was recommended in Perth) and have found an orthodontist that uses it. I'll get their opinion also. I'll include link just in case anyone else is interested. Yes, plates have come a long way. I was showed a video of the old type by orthodontist. They also cost thousands less than braces. Although her teeth are beautifully straight, she requires the treatment as her bottom teeth will eventually wear out her two front teeth if not realigned.
Both of my kids are currently under the care of an orthodontist.
They looked at my 14 year olds sons teeth and said "wow, there is alot happening in there... he'll definitely need braces". He also had surgery to expose and extract 5 teeth. He had teeth growing from inside his nasal cavity. He just had the braces put on last week.

My 11 year old daughter had an overbite, I think :confused:. Certainly she needed some work on her jaw to change the shape and get a better bite..... She had an expansion plate put in, which we had to adjust every 2nd day. It was a real nuisance, but it did definitely work to change the shape of her jaw. But we always saw it as being the first step in the process, rather than the final step. It should reduce the time she requires braces though.