Tenants with pets


Just had an application come in; everything else checks BUT tenants have a
miniature bull terrier:)

For those with dog-knowledge how good /bad are these dogs?:p

Hiya Melbournian

I do have a heart (too soft though in my hubby's opinion)..problem is there is another tenant in the granny flat behind...she is only a young lady and she works late...i don't want her to be frightened by a fierce dog...:eek:
I like having dogs around for protection. One of my dogs recently died and I think I had a prowler about a week ago - the gate was somehow opened. I think my cockatoo might have said, 'hello' to them, and they left. Cockatoo's have the best hearing!!
Maybe ask potential tenant if it's friendly, ask girl in granny flat if they'd mind. I've had a few bull terriers that are friendly to people (but one disliked cats).
Bullies are fantastic dogs who are tough-as-nails and dumb-as-a-doorknob.
They're likely to sleep most of the day, and accidentally bump their heads as they walk through doorways on the door frame.

I would have no hesitation to have a Bull Terrier in any property assuming the yard was very secure if it wasn't desexed.
Personally I'd be more concerned about high energy, working breed dogs (think Border Collie, Cattle Dog etc) who may get destructive if left to their own devices all day and aren't adequately exercised.
Hiya Melbournian

I do have a heart (too soft though in my hubby's opinion)..problem is there is another tenant in the granny flat behind...she is only a young lady and she works late...i don't want her to be frightened by a fierce dog...:eek:

Who said it's a fierce dog? Are you basing that on your assumption of the breed?

If you're concerned ask the owners:
a) is it desexed
b) friendly towards kids
c) friendly towards cats/other animals/possums etc
d) friendly towards other dogs
e) is trained
f) they exercise and socialise is regularly

Although if your potential new tenants and tenant in the granny flat are sharing a backyard, it won't matter what breed of dog it is, if the granny flat occupant is
-hates dogs

Although, you may find that she sneaks the Bully into her place for companionship.. so you'll never know until you have a chat with them.


For those with tenants with dogs, how much damage do they cause the property if they are let in the house?

For those with tenants with dogs, how much damage do they cause the property if they are let in the house?

A lot less than some tenants without pets. All depends on the people, ferral people with pets will result in a mess regardless of the pet, and clean people who take care of the property will leave it that way, with or without a pet, in my opinion.

For those with tenants with dogs, how much damage do they cause the property if they are let in the house?


I would take a tenant with a pet over a tenant with a kid any day.

Hell, tenants with a pet are my preferred tenant. Because it is so hard for them to find a place they tend to look after a place extra well.
I would take a tenant with a pet over a tenant with a kid any day.

Hell, tenants with a pet are my preferred tenant. Because it is so hard for them to find a place they tend to look after a place extra well.

True. And tenants with pets tend to stay longer as they find it more difficult than tenants without pets to find another rental to move to.

Pets can be a win-win situation, depending on the pet and the owner.
I've always allowed dogs. The worst that happened was a scratch on a wooden window ledge from a Rottwheeler x German Shepherd. I write into the contract that tenants have to infill any holes on leaving. If you have wooden floorboards, they could get a bit scratched. Bull Terriers are usually good with toilet training. How old is the dog? Is it desexed? M/F?

For those with tenants with dogs, how much damage do they cause the property if they are let in the house?


Who, the tenants or the dogs?? :rolleyes:

Tenants with or without pets are capable and likely to cause more damage to a house than one small dog.

I would make this decision based on the tenant's breed, not the dogs !
Some people say that kids do more damage than pets :)
Your rental agreement may need to include all pet related clause.

I think on top of all problems with pets, they would also encourage pests.
you could have worst damage by having a possum. who damaged my door recently


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Eh...did not understand this statement; you mean dogs would encourage pests?
Sorry I've been using phone to access the forum lately. Yes I think their droppings and food particles on the floor would attract pests. Also dogs are more likely to bring dirt and insects inside the house which can again attract pests.
Yes I think their droppings and food particles on the floor would attract pests. Also dogs are more likely to bring dirt and insects inside the house which can again attract pests.

Yes, a backyard full of droppings and stale dog food will probably bring ants, mice and lots of other disgusting things. And a dog left untreated will possibly bring fleas into your carpets. However, a human who leaves dirty dishes laying around, and kitchen which only gets attended to every few days, and lots of crap laying around the backyard will probably have a similiar negative impact on your property.

It comes down to the type of person, which is why references are important. If this tenant has good references, the dog is desexed and registered, then to me, it's probably an idication of how they look after it, and their home. And just the fact they have admitted to having the dog on their application, to me is a good start. A tenant who doesn't care and has no respect for your property, probably would have just lied and introduced the pet anyway.
A lot less than some tenants without pets. All depends on the people, ferral people with pets will result in a mess regardless of the pet, and clean people who take care of the property will leave it that way, with or without a pet, in my opinion.

Yep, I'd place more emphasis on the type of people they are.

If the people check out OK then their pets will most likely be OK too.

Would apply for children as well.