Test Message - Been away

This is a test message.

I have been away for a while, due to family member passing away from cancer.

Back and hope to add some value soon.

I'm sorry to hear of your loss. Somersoft was one of the "normal" things I did whilst we went through the horrible time of losing my Mum. I didn't post much, but I still read the forum on my phone in hospital when Mum was sleeping.

Welcome back :)
Hi Alex

My condolences- it's never an easy time. My beautiful MIL passed away at a similar age and unexpected. I hope as time passes, the hurt fades and the memories of good times stay.
Welcome back to the forum too.
Hi Alex, my condolences on your mother's passing. My dad died at 63 and it just felt like he was too young. Took me a long time to work through the loss.

Welcome back :)