The Ascent of Money

Last year a fascinating book was published called "The Ascent of Money" by Niall Ferguson. Niall's Clicky Link

It is about the "evolution" of money including bonds, sharemarkets and real estate.

The first episode screened last Thursday night on ABC TV and is on again this Thursday at 08:30 pm

Clicky Link to Aunty
Hi Redwing,

I was wondering if anyone was going to post anything on this...I found it by accident when flicking (right at the start thankfully).

Thought it was great, if at a quite basic level - the historical references to Shakespears "Merchant of Venice" were pretty fascinating!

Looking forward to the next episode tonight.


Very interesting on the ascent of Nathan Rothschild and the Rothschild family, looking forward to next weeks on the stock market :D
While much emphasis was on Nathan, James in Paris was doing just as good if not better. James was good at banking, Nathen seems a better deal maker.
When James died in 1905 he left $250,000,000 francs
I found it by accident last night too. It was thoroughly interesting and I can't wait for the next one. I have never understood Bonds and only have a limited understanding now but I plan to expand on it.

Can someone answer for me?

How are they liquidated easily, when it seems you must fill out an application form to purchase?

Regards JO
good question. My understanding is that many issues are traded in liquid markets such as the US t-bills and can be bought and sold as easily as shares.

There are many illiquid and highly specialised issues that are more involved to redeem and then there are the bond funds as well that may have regular redemptions windows for units i.e. monthly or quarterly.
I quite enjoyed the series, especially part 2 on the Rothschilds & Bonds.

Some of you better turn off for part 5 which was on property and particularly bearish :p