The home loan checkers?


not sure if this is a right area, forum layout is too complicated for me :)

Did anyone heard or used this software?

They claim that if you don't find any errors in your mortgage statements they not only refund software costs but also send you a $250 cheque.

Is this a scam or for real? Website looks like on of those scam sites, but they mention Current Affairs etc. But then again CA for me is scam TV show anyway..
Hi piNoob,

This has been around for a while. Here are some of my opinions:

The website layout just annoys me - way too much use of highlight... and you really have to search for how much the damn thing costs. What is also quite annoying is the "bonus" which each have a perceived "value. Rubbish. The bonuses are just PDF copies of the original book.

If you use the URL you mentioned, then that takes you to a page that looks like a special for The Investors Club members... only pay $159 instead of $189 for ordinary plebs.

Do a search on this forum... I uncovered:

Read the terms of use very carefully:

...basically you can't take out a home loan for one month, run the software over it, notice that... *SURPRISE* there are no errors... and get $250 for wasting your time.

"Home Loan Checker offers it's customers the "Success Guarantee" such that if a customer finds no errors in their loan(s) over a four year period, Home Loan Checker will refund the purchase price plus an additional $250. Refunds will only be made under the terms of this Guarantee."

Too bad if you had your mortgage for less than 4 years, hey.