The "OFFICIAL" 06 Merry Christmas thread.

Dear All

At the end of another very busy year, I hope you all find time for some unsupervised fun over Christmas, and wish you all a Happy, Safe and Prosperous New Year.

Yes, well, I couldn’t resist it! Unsupervised flocks, indeed! However, I have it on good authority that sheep do, indeed, frolic although perhaps sans party hats!

God Bless the Good Ship Somersoft and All Who Sail In Her!

Best Wishes


PS Ignore any system pop ups, no you can’t log in!

Merry Christmas Everyone! :)
Merry Christmas to All

We have just had our Chrissie turkey, cranberry sauce, roast spuds and loads of vegies followed by Ray's Chrissie pudding and fantastic custard, and son and BIL are having a nap :D

We used the plastic tablecloth that Al's Mum bought me the first year we were married (1962). At the time I was horrified, having set the table with the very best lace cloth but felt I needed to be polite being the new bride and use the plastic one that MIL had bought.

MIL and Alan are now gone but it would not be Christmas without the plastic tablecloth!!!

Thankyou to all my Somersoft Support Crew, you help make 2006 a much better year!!!

Wishing everyone a very prosperous 2007

I wanted something in stockings for Christmas, but it didn't happen :(

My eldest daughter's boyfriend is into kick boxing, so she gave him a pair of boxing gloves. But that's not a Christmas Day gift, it's for Boxing Day.
My eldest daughter's boyfriend is into kick boxing, so she gave him a pair of boxing gloves. But that's not a Christmas Day gift, it's for Boxing Day.
Maybe you could borrow those gloves if the boyfriend gets out of line :) .

Had a good Christmas day, spent it with family and later a few friends.

As per usual, seemed to eat a little too much but all in all was a good day.

All the best to everyone for the rest of the holiday season. Stay safe.

What a great day...enjoyed the company of friends old and new, as the guest of some very old and dear friends. We played trivial pursuit type games in teams comprised of the young kids and us "oldies". This provided some really great appreciation of the younger generation for me. They were wonderful.

After gorging ourselves on baked salmon, ham, prawns, salads, and Christmas pudding, we sat around and sang Christmas Carols plus every song we could remember the words to. Not many of us were in key, but who cared? We had a ball!:D
We spent yesterday under the shade of a big tree by the water at Cotton Tree on the Sunshhine Coast BBQ'ing prawns, having a few cold ales and playing totem tennis with the kids. Great day, then photographers from the Sunshine Coast Daily came and took some photos of me on the receiving end of a beating at totem tennis from Mrs. JJJ, dreading to see what THOSE photos look like. Don't get that paper at all myself so anyone from the sunny coast who does, let me know how bad I look :)
