Welcoming our baby girl!

This very very small life (as well as her slightly larger brother (5 years) and sister (3.5 years) is now keeping both Angelo and I on our feet and definately out of trouble :D :D

We have no idea what free time is anymore ;)
Great news Xen! Congratulations:)
We have a kids of similar ages (Girl 6, Boy 3, Girl 6 months)... You are not wrong about the free time

I am so envious, a new baby to hug and kiss! And dont they just smell so adorable! Can you hear me cooing?
Well done, that's one for the country!
Thank you to everyone for their well wishes. Photo's to come soon if I can work out how to upload them! She is an absolutely gorgeous little thing and both Angelo and I feel very fortunate to have her.

Just Another investor in the making ;)

Her brother and sister have a piggy bank where all money recieved for their birthdays etc is going towards "saving for a house". We have demonstrated the concept of money to our kids by growing wheat on the kitchen window. We told our kids that money is like these seeds, you can either use them now and they are gone forever or you can grow them in the right circumstances to produce more of the same seeds.

I think our 5 year old actually gets it because when asked what his mum and dad do for a living he replies with "they just make money"!!!

Little Leonie will soon be saving up for her first rental property as well as growing her own wheat!!! ;) Gotta love kids they teach you so much!
Her brother and sister have a piggy bank where all money recieved for their birthdays etc is going towards "saving for a house".
I told my 6 year old girl to ask her mum for some shares for her birthday (it was night time)... She replied, "No Dad, you can't get shares now, the shops are closed:D"... so cute

I have no idea how I missed this thread at the time, but congrats Xenia, that's fantastic news! :D

Enjoy it, every moment. Wonderful stuff :D

