What Would You Like To Be Remembered For After You Die?

OK, not to sound morbid here; but instead more inspiring I guess. :) You're laying in the coffin at your funeral - What would you like to be remembered for? What would you like people to be saying about you to each other or to others about who you were as a person, etc?

Me - I'd like to be remembered as "someone who tried to always do the right thing; put himself out there for others, & tried to help as many people as possible even if it was only in small ways. Good natured, over generous, kind, sincere, empathetic. (probably a lot more things as well...)" :)

Share your thoughts - Cheers!
I guess I'm curious. Exactly why do you wish to be remembered?

That small group around you who really care will remember you in spite of the great heights you missed. The rest will quickly forget you regardless. :D
WM, as an investor you really have to have a think skin about other people's opinions. Do what YOU think is the right thing, not what everyone else thinks is the right thing. Personally, I only care about what I think of MYSELF as a person. If I can live with myself, and I can live with the consequences, I'm happy. There are too many people in the world to satisfy everyone.

When I help people it's because *I* think it's a nice thing to do. If no one knows about it, that's cool too, because I'm not doing it to earn anyone's respect or opinion. Having done it, I feel good. That's enough for me.

Think about it: if you want people to know you did the right thing, do you publicise your good deeds? Or only do them when people can see you? Is THAT the sort of person you want to be remembered as? Is appearence and opinion more important to you than your actual self? I think there is a big difference between doing something because of how other people will respond compared to doing something because of what YOU feel.

After all, different people will have different ideas about what is 'doing the right thing'. Simply because there isn't always a clear-cut 'right thing'. It's not all about helping old ladies across the street. Ethics is a fickle thing, and I think the best thing you can do is to be true to yourself.

In any case, don't get too mired in this. Are you perhaps working out some guilt issues about the investment plan? Do you feel it's not good to be rich? Just get there and donate lots to charity, if you want. But think about what I said regarding whether you are doing it for yourself or just for other's opinion of you.
I only want to be remembered for one thing when I die...and it's detailed in my will. My lawyer fell about laughing when I insisted on including this clause:

"That all my friends drink every last drop of alcohol in my possession and tell wicked stories about me.":D

(I have a moderately large collection of wonderful liqueurs...so this will take them some considerable time.):p
WM, as an investor you really have to have a think skin about other people's opinions. Do what YOU think is the right thing, not what everyone else thinks is the right thing. Personally, I only care about what I think of MYSELF as a person. If I can live with myself, and I can live with the consequences, I'm happy. There are too many people in the world to satisfy everyone.

But think about what I said regarding whether you are doing it for yourself or just for other's opinion of you.

Great post Alex! I think personally I've always been one to help others - I've grown up that way in my family. I'm over generous at times with thanking people; buying people gifts, cards, etc - really expressing how grateful I feel for what that person has done for me - because I feel in my mind "it's the right thing to do" - it doesn't take much to buy someone something worth $10 & a card & thank them for doing something special for you; & it really makes their day; because I've taken the time to show them how much I care, etc & it certainly makes my day as well. Working for an employer for 5 years who was mostly unappreciative of me didn't help myself; so I know how others feel when they're working their butts off without anyone around telling what a great job they're doing & rewarding them for it.

I feel with the recent turn of events for me in the past 10 months; that I feel quite blessed to be in the shoes I'm in now; & my way is to give back to the community; by donating more money to worthwhile charities; like Salvos, Fred Hollows Foundation, Wildlife Warriors, & a few others. I'm doing it because I want to do & I always ask the charity group not to release my personal details to the public; as I wish to remain anonymous. A few years back a family in the community lost a lot & were having a garage sale to try & recoup some money & I quickly walked into the garage sale; asked to speak to the lady in need; gave her $100 cash I think in an envelope, said "Hope this helps" & walked off in the other direction - I didn't want any public recognition or praise - I just wanted to help someone in need. Phew - I'm glad my forum is anonymous too.
I like your attitude WatermelonMan (someday are you going to say why you chose that moniker??), I also like the feeling I get when I can do something for another human being. I get a lot out of it. I think thats why I find my work so rewarding.

I guess mainly,I want to be remembered as a hard working loving Mum that worked hard to ensure my kids had the best education I could give them.
I very much care how; *I feel/remember/regard myself*, preferably whilst alive:p

If I should ever die, I am very content with how I am living my life and the person I am....what anyone else thinks or remembers me as.. is none of my business.. (quote partially borrowed from Peter Brock :) ) and not a rating on my self worth meter.

Fine post and words (again) Alexlee.
I like your attitude WatermelonMan (someday are you going to say why you chose that moniker??), I also like the feeling I get when I can do something for another human being. I get a lot out of it. I think thats why I find my work so rewarding.

I guess mainly,I want to be remembered as a hard working loving Mum that worked hard to ensure my kids had the best education I could give them.

I was thinking as the location is the moon, moon rock watermelons.


I hope my next generation remembers me as:
Great Father, lots of fun and good times together.... but the #$@!# left us no money! :D


The Y-man