Windows which can be cleaned entirely from indoors

We are considering getting some new windows installed (probably either double-hung, or horizontal sliding windows), and were very interested to see some windows which can be cleaned entirely from indoors, and without needing to remove the flyscreen - very useful in high-rise apartments.

They seem to be generally referred to as 'tilt' windows, i.e. windows which can tilt inwards. Is there a more common name for them?

Are these common in Australia, or not? So far we've found only a few places which sell them.

E.g. here are some examples of double-hung 'tilt' windows: (the 138 series)

What about horizontal sliding windows - are there any in Australia? Here is one example in USA which have this feature:
Thanks Kristine! Although from what I can see, Stegbar has this feature just for their double-hung windows.

Does anyone know of a horizontal sliding window which has a similar feature? Or a horizontal sliding window for which _both_ panes can be lifted out? I think (I hope I'm proven wrong) most sliding windows have one fixed pane and one sliding pane, and only the latter can be lifted out. To clean the outside of the fixed window pane, you still have to remove the flyscreen and reach out, which can be dangerous in a high-rise.
Saw some tilt windows in action for the first time at a display yesterday, I was very impressed. I think the bloke said they could fit tilt windows to their sliding units, but I may have been mistaken. The manufacturer was ThermoSmart, could be worth a call?