Recent content by santaslayer

  1. S

    Just settled on another Marrickville flat

    Did you need to borrow money for this? Any difficulty lending since it's under 50sqm? Ta
  2. S

    See Change and Richard Feynman . let's hype the sydney market thread .

    there are plenty of places selling for less than a mill...
  3. S

    How Much Do You pay for Conveyancing

    $1200 in Sydney and $990 in QLD. Both are lawyers
  4. S

    Price of Gold and Property Prices

    Hi all, I had a friend tell me that because the price of old has increased 10% since Christmas, we are in for an imminent property market crash and general market turmoil. He was advising people to but gold stocks as they would be going up. How true is this statement as I thought quite a...
  5. S

    14% term deposit

    Name of the bank?
  6. S

    How do Brokers get paid??

    How do you become a broker if you're interested?
  7. S

    Putting in a safe

    Why don't you pay a yearly fee for a safe in the bank? Will probably be safer too.
  8. S

    $27k Body corp?

    Look at it again and it's only $5660/q!!
  9. S

    The power of compounding and 2% difference in investment returns

    Yep, same idea on MMM but in lay person's terms: So remember that when you’re making seemingly small money decisions as a young person. You can put that $100 bill into your pipe and smoke it, or you can roll...
  10. S

    How do you invest?

    J.O.B Cash Asian share fund Direct Shares 3 IPs looking for 4th.
  11. S

    So why are IR dropping??

    Some of the decision was based on what the RBA thought would happen to fiscal policy on budget night. Especially when the government have already forewarned the public on its intentions.
  12. S

    mens fitted fashion shirts...

    Not my experience with Ralph shirts. They are a ballbreaker to iron! Then again....never had them custom made so maybe your choice of material was better? That Charles Tyrwhitt site looks great, might give it a try. 4 shirts for $199!
  13. S

    What job would you like to do if things were different?

    Sorta like this: ...minus the bikini LOL I wanna be a P.I.M.P
  14. S

    Grow where you are planted

    Thanks Player, powerful message.