aaarggh!! my hair is sooo dry!!

I have tried so many different products, both supermarket and salon and I still have dry hair. Ok yes it is foiled to within an inch of its life and I have no idea of what my natural hair colour is, but I imagine there must be products that others on Somersoft (boys or girls, I won't discriminate:D) have used that works for them and they love.

Cost is no issue to me to be able to get my hair back to its silky condition.

Well I suppose I should give you some facts to narrow the suggestions.

I am at the tail end of the baby boomers
I have fine hair but lots of it
It is just above shoulder length
As mentioned it is very coloured

If anyone can recommend something that works really well for them be it the shampoo, conditioner or a treatment of some kind I will be very grateful :):)
Petal, is it just your hair that is dry or your skin as well? If it is both,"oil from within" :) try eating avocado and take some ect omega 3 fish oil capsules everyday.
have you tried Goldwell kerasilk? I have chemically straightened hair that is also coloured.. and similarly it is fine but a lot of it. I find it is really fantastic.

What about a treatment at the hairdresser, would that help?
Simon - hardy ha ha so you want me to have short short dry hair instead of longer dry hair :D NOT :D

Moyjos - It is really just my hair that is dry and yes I know there is something in eating certain foods to help dryness, but I have tried avacados and don't like the taste but interesting about the omega 3 tablets as I have had my eye on them for a while wondering if they are any good.

Alabex - Have never tried that brand so I will definitely be getting some and giving it a go. I have a treatment at the hairdresser when I get my foils done but the next time I wash my hair back to dry again so I need a good shampoo and conditioner so will definitely try the Goldwell
- check your thyroid and parathyroid function, your diet, your sleep pattern, your water and dietary oil intake.
- if you stay up late burning the candle at both ends, stop.
- stop putting stuff in your hair and blow drying for 6 months.
- wet it only every second day.
On the morning show last week, the one after Sunrise ( I was doing housework at the same time) they had a beauty consultant on with a whats hot around the world.

One of the topics where dry hair and there is a new treatment made from Bulls Semen that is mixed with something like lavender ( to take away the smell ) It is meant to work very well but extremely expensive. Mind you I don't think that cost would be the only thing to put me off !!! lol

I have used Redken products, 'so soft' and 'smooth down' and found them great. -the professional hairdressing ones are so much better. The so soft treatment is brilliant. Try & protect your hair from the sun too, as well as the health aspect- great advice:)
on The Morning Show Last Week, The One After Sunrise ( I Was Doing Housework At The Same Time) They Had A Beauty Consultant On With A Whats Hot Around The World.

One Of The Topics Where Dry Hair And There Is A New Treatment Made From Bulls Semen That Is Mixed With Something Like Lavender ( To Take Away The Smell ) It Is Meant To Work Very Well But Extremely Expensive. Mind You I Don't Think That Cost Would Be The Only Thing To Put Me Off !!! Lol

I have dry, fine and curly (frizzy!) hair, and I also find the Redken products worked well. They have a "butter treatment", which I use as a leave in conditioner overnight on the night before I wash my hair.
Also, I cut down the number of times I washed my hair - down to 3 times a week, and that also helped.
Before having kids and colouring my hair, I had very straight hair. I had it cut short after having kids, and then when I grew it long again, it went curly, and it has completely changed in its texture etc. very strange.
I would strongly suggest staying away from Pantene and the other supermarket brands which say they are "salon" brands..... my hair just kept getting frizzier and frizzier with those..... they really dried them out.
Hi Petal,

I have Polynesian ancestry.

I am thankful for my olive skin.....but not my damn hair!

I have never found anything and I too have tried everything. The best I can come up with... is Pantene Conditioner. It is the only brand that seems to soften it slightly - regardless of cost.

If I leave it curly, I put Pantene on while my hair is damp. If I'm straightening it - I leave it on in the shower at least 10 mins before rinsing it out.

Regards JO
What does your hairdresser think? Has it got dryer after she/he started doing your hair?

If she is using peroxide and not a tint then that could be the cause of your problem.

I would get a second opinion from another hairdresser.
Hi everyone,

Some great posts thank you and I will be trying out some of the different suggestions except for one which I thought was a load of (guess:D)

I only wash my hair once a week which is a bit of a benefit to having dryer hair. I stay out of the sun as much as I possibly can (hate being in direct sunlight)

I do know diet plays a role (a big role probably - thanks WW) and that is something I will look closely at.

I just remember how silky my hair used to be (even when coloured) that I hate the way it looks a bit like straw from time to time. I might be a bit on the older side but I do have my pride!!!
You know, you have just reminded me. My hair has become dryer over the years....maybe that plays a part too.:cool:

Regards JO
I just remember how silky my hair used to be (even when coloured) that I hate the way it looks a bit like straw from time to time. I might be a bit on the older side but I do have my pride!!!

A friend of mine, a hairdresser, had the same problem. No-one knew what her natural hair colour was, as it was always coloured, and for many years looked beautiful, always "done" and always changing - we were all jealous! But after a while her hair started getting dryer and coarser - it really did look like straw! And then one day we were out and a bit chunk of her hair simply broke off -after that she stopped colouring her hair, and let her natural colour grow back, just occaisionally adding a few foils or highlights, and her hair is no longer like straw, and still looks beautiful.

Maybe you are abusing your hair with too much colour and products, and it just cant cope anymore..time to go au naturale maybe?

Oh my god, can I face that???

Well if this dry thing persists I may just have to do that. Gee I wonder what colour my hair is?????????????????????????
Are you using straighteners without putting a heat protection lotion onto your hair first? If so that combined with tints would dry out and damage the hair.

One thing I do to keep my hair in reasonable condition is alternate my blond with very light browns the next time, and find my hair is less dry after I go darker, and stays in better condition overall to when I was permanently light.

I'm older too and have had both very dry, and silky and healthy hair... atm it's pretty healthy :).

Hope these suggestions help.
Hi Weg,

Thanks for that, I have a hair straightner but only used it once several years ago and it just sits in the bottom drawer now :eek:

I blowdry my hair once a week when washing so I am not overdoing it with that kind of stuff.

When I get my next colour I will have a D & M with my hairdressser and see what she thinks.