Anna Nicole Smith Dead

I understand what you mean Bill. I had a gold fish Henri who died before xmas and I was so upset. Some people thought I was mad to be upset over the death of a fish but I had him for 20 or so years and he was my most precious possession. I still have his gold fish friend Margerat Jane who is going on 22 years old! and when she passes I know I'll be in tears. Animals would have to be the most loyal things on this earth hey..I'm sure all our loved ones upstairs are taking care of your dog for you....another star in our skys/heaven hey

Thankyou for that poem Our Obsession, I printed it out and put it in my memory book, its a beautiful poem :)

Every death is sad. Every person counts (and yes, pets are people too). So I am sad that Anna Nicole died, and sad for the people who have recently lost those close to them too.

Every person counts.

However, I do think that the 'sensationalist' aspect of Anna Nicole's death that the media have pounced on - all the spin off stories about drugs and weight and blah de blah de blah - is completely unnecessary and in extremely bad taste.

But that's what the media are about these days, yes?

Whatever happened to news informing and educating us, instead of acting as a seedy porthole into other people's private lives??? This is what I hate. We don't need this stuff.