Another setback for JG...Is this Karma?

NSW Right abandons Gillard in fresh setback: report

Several powerful members of Labor's NSW Right group ― instrumental in toppling Kevin Rudd and in ridiculing his attempt at returning to power in February ― are now conceding that Mr Rudd may be a plausible leadership alternative

a leading NSW Right figure said on Tuesday that “I cannot guarantee what will happen and when, but I can guarantee that she won't be leader at the next election,”

Full article here

Another article today in which John Howard also predicts return of Kevin Rudd.

Former prime minister John Howard predicts Prime Minister Julia Gillard will be rolled by her predecessor Kevin Rudd before the next election.

Full article here

Since the time and manner in which JG toppled Kevin Rudd and become the PM things have gotten tougher and tougher for her and no matter what she does it just isn't working.

Is this karma for those who believe in it?

she'll have to repeal the carbon tax to stay in power with the public vote for the very starter.

and if she does, she'll lose power as the greens pull their support, to which an election will need to be called, and she'll lose power.

check....aaaaaand .....mate.
Oh what a complex web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

She is certainly lying with some flea bitten dogs and, if Twiggy is to be believed, her treasurer is the worst. I doubt even those at the centre of power know how this is going to play out so the rest of us will just have to go along for the ride.