Another tenant from hell

In this case, the tenant had painted walls of the unit very badly in very bright colours, with child like paintings of butterflies over the wall. Walls had been damaged in every room, with an entire piece of gyprock missing in one room. Floors were damaged, and there were cigarette burns in all the carpets. The tenant was a long way behind in rent.

You've heard many stories like this. In this case, the tenant is the owner's daughter. The owner only found the damage after letting herself in to collect things belonging to the tenant's children- the tenant had kicked them out onto the street and locked them out of the house.
How is it going?
How are the kids?
How is the owner now?
Just concerned old (young) me ...
Somehow the world isn't a crazy place - but sometimes the hill is a bit steeper to climb.
It depends on your outlook.
'It is not what happens that matters, but how you interpret what happens that matters' Someone very clever said that (can't remember who - perhaps I should be named Dory). There are at times corner stones in our lives, or bloody great rocks that make us (if we choose) to look at life from a different perspective.
Boy!! Xmas dinner is going to be QUITE an occasion, isn't it??? :D

PS How bad do you have to be in a previous life to get kids like THAT? (And I don't mean the ones that were "chucked out"...)