Anyone going to Peter Spann's event this weekend?

Hi all

More on this Macquarie GEI stuff in this thread.

Peter is correct in saying that the share market is doing very well however a protected product is not necessary in all cases.



Here goes the first of what I suspect may be a few posts distilling the contents of my notes from the weekend.... :)

Peter discussed many things in groups of 3's....

3 Arguments of Modern Success Theory
- Choice - most people have choice but elect not to use them. Choice takes people out of their "Standard Operating Procedure" (Comfort Zone)
- Change must come from within. i.e. the SOP must be altered
- The Need to be Right is the MOST powerful force in your life. This will overide any desire for chnage to your SOP

3 Building Blocks to Success (Western World / Wheel of Life)
- Wealth
- Happiness
- Wellbeing

and how they relate to the

3 Corners of the Triangle of Wealth
- Growth (= "Wealth")
- Income (= "Happiness")
- Security (= "Wellbeing")

and how these relate to the

3 Universal Laws
- Flow: Money is Free ( = Growth = Wealth)
- Purpose: We all have a Purpose (= Income = Happiness)
- Ease: Life is Easy (= Security = Wellbeing)

Note these are 3 "layers" - Wheel of Life, Triangle of Wealth, Universal Laws

3 keys to investing:
- Strategy
- Momentum
- Time


3 "L"s:
- Leapfrogging (tm)
- Land Banking
- Lowey (CPT's)

3 keys to goal setting:
- Dream
- Belief
- Action

All this in a 3 day seminar.....


The Y-man
Freeatlast said:
Thanks Acey,

Hope you guys had some fun too !!!

Out of interest, do you have any of PS's home study kits ? or have you only been to his seminars ??

Cheers & looking forward to report !!!

We have been to his "Money Magic" and "Instant Income" Seminars (as well as the various update events for Wealth Club). We bought both as home study kits as well (just to review the material).

We also purchased the "Millionaire Mastermind" CD's. An interesting insight into the mindset of the extremely wealthy. I believe PS will be doing the "Mind Over Millions" and "Millionaire Mastemind" in 2005, so looking forward to them (although going by the comments he made on the weekend regarding millionaires, maybe he should call the seminars "Mind over Billions" and "Billionaire Mastermind" ;) ).


The Y-man

Thanks for that.... I'm just looking at whether I should purchase any of his kits, or wait and go for the "real thing".........



I don't have any of his study kits - and frankly I wouldn't go to all of his seminars. We went for a boost & refocus rather than to follow Peter's approach in depth :)

Still working on my review...


Freeatlast said:
Thanks for that.... I'm just looking at whether I should purchase any of his kits, or wait and go for the "real thing
Being at an event live is quite a different experience from listening or watching. In some ways it's better (atmosphere, meeting people) and in some ways it's worth (no chance to replay; other distractions).

Freeman Fox don't have any details though of next year's schedule, so if you want to do something in the short term it's perhaps a moot point.

On the property side, I'd guess that you would not learn a lot new. If you don't know a lot about shares, the "Instant Income" is very well worth while.

I don't know about the Millionaire Mastermind- I'd be very surprised though if it wasn't very good.
Freeatlast said:

Thanks for that.... I'm just looking at whether I should purchase any of his kits, or wait and go for the "real thing".........



Personally, I would probably err toward going to one of his "introductory" events, instead of forking out big money to buy the study kits. If you like what you see, you can make your decision from there onwards.


The Y-man
Thanks everyone for your feedback.

I've read both of Peter's books, so, kind of get what he's on about with property.... and find it interesting.

On the shares side, been there, done that..... maybe later... too busy building up our little property empire !!!



More from my notes...

Peter discussed in fair detail about his belief structures on Purpose.

This is in relation to the 3 universal laws: Purpose, Ease and Flow; and goes as follows (my understanding of it anyway :D ):

We are all born with a Purpose - in other words there is a reason to our existence on this planet. During our childhood years (up to the age of eight), this purpose becomes clouded over with layers of "stuff" that our society dishes up (mostly with good intentions). These may be the values, beliefs and expectations of parents, teachers, peers; or material on either printed or broadcast media.

Life becomes hard when we lose our sense of purpose. Peter describes this as "Spirit Heavy, Task Light". This is when you are faced with the pile of work in your intray, and despite having all the resources to complete the tasks, you spirit is too heavy to take it on.

Life is easy, when we are on Purpose. This is when you are "Task Heavy, Spirit Light". When you are doing something you enjoy, you find that you can carry out many tasks, without feeling drained or tired. Hence the link between Happiness and Purpose.

However many feel the need for greater resources (money or knowledge) in order to live their Purpose. What they do not realise is that all the resources that one could ever need is already provided. This is the law of "Money is Free" or "Flow".

Many also feel that there Purpose should be of some grand scale; however this need not be. Peter told the story of a lady who's purpose in life was to grow the perfect rose. While this seems insignificant in the overall scheme of things, we could never know the importance of this purpose. That rose growing in a garden, could lift the spirit of someone who was about to commit suicide; just enough, so that they would not follow through with it. That same person might go on, inspired to study. That same person might one day discover the cure for cancer. The simple act of growing the perfect rose could have incalculable impact somewhere down the track.

I was interested to see a thread on the Legacy you would leave behind on the forum:

My understanding now, is that it is in fact your Purpose that becomes your Legacy: no matter how big or how small. If you live your Purpose, and achieve whatever it is that you were sent here to do, you will have made the contribution to the world that you were supposed to.

Peter mentioned that for the great majority of the population, you will cease to exist in the memories of people in 2 generation's time. He said this was a good thing - because you could do whatever you like, and nobody would remember who did it in a relatively short period of time (I assume this means "Don't be afraid of doing something stupid").

He also went on to say that some people lose their Purpose. When people lose their purpose, Life becomes hard, as the Universe will automatically take action to prevent those individuals consuming its resources. It will first try to take action to "wake the person up" - through a major crisis - perhaps through loss of work, a life threatening illness, or a major injury. If this does not work, the person may be marginalized - thrown somewhere out of sight, out of mind. In the most extreme case, that person will in fact be eliminated.



The Y-man