Anyone put in artificial lawn in their rental?? Your thoughts??

I'm in Adelaide right now and just walked on some.

It was on a median strip.

Apart from the fact that having nice green grass on a median strip looked odd, the stuff was very convincing.

And here was me thinking you were admiring my lawn :p.

We put it on our median strip after the council paved the footpaths, because the choice was gravel (ugly fine grey stuff), more pavers, plantings or lawn.

Our front yard is all pavers and heavy foliage, so this bit of lawn breaks it up a bit, and the bright neat green lawn matches nicely the very green manicured hedges we have.

Plus it was free, left over offcuts :).
The stuff I saw was in the middle of the road - sort of a traffic island near the end of Rundle Street.

If it had not been in such an odd place, I don't think I would have realised it wasn't real.
Fake lawn looks terrible. It reminds me of the old Lego sets I used to play with.

In the case of our house, it looks better than dead grass around the pool area/ under the deck, where grass wont grow. We tried lots of other options, but in the end astroturf was the best, both in looks and maintenance.
A lot of my neighbours in Spain have artificial grass, it looks very good. Before I would have said no way, but now I'm thinking about it given the sad state of my grass & the high cost of water there.