Body Corp liability question

Hi Somersoft,

We have one IP which recently encountered the following scenario:

Once every few weeeks, the power to the shared garage lighting would go off. This is obviously extremely dangerous. It was reported to body corp always immediately. In most circumstances, they didn't respond within 2 days, then organized an Electrician who came out within 2-3 days before it finally 'fixed'. I have now been informed by "fix" they called an electrician to merely flick the circuit breaker (we don't have the Energex key).

This happened 5 times in the space of 3-4 months. It happened early last week and we asked for it to be fixed once again but this time we said "please ensure a different electrician is sent out and also ask them to find the root cause of the problem".

He came out, fixed it and determined the problem to be one of the automatic garage doors (2 units out of 6 have garage doors). Body Corp just emailed us asking for approval to send out a Garage Door person.

Two quick questions if I may:

1. WTF? They sent the same electrician out 5 times to fix the same problem? And he merely flicked the circuit breaker? I appreciate it's not there money, but why isn't BC asking the correct questions?

2. The faulty Automatic Garage Door is not a communal resource. Will BC or the unit owner pay for this?

Sincere apologies for the rough tone in this post, I'm just starting to get fed up with people (namely PM's and BC managers) who can't do job correctly.

I'm not sure how it works in Qld, but in Vic, if the BC manager aren't doing their job, we sack them and get a new one....

The Y-man
From a recent experience in NSW with a BC with the same issue I found that the BC covers only the garage door and automated device for opening the door is the owners responsibility.

This was in a 1980's high rise where openers where installed to certain units post construction at the owners discretion which may be different to where they were an original fit.
From a recent experience in NSW with a BC with the same issue I found that the BC covers only the garage door and automated device for opening the door is the owners responsibility.

This was in a 1980's high rise where openers where installed to certain units post construction at the owners discretion which may be different to where they were an original fit.

This was my initial thought when my partner told me BC were fixing it. Outside the Garage Door (ie cosmetic) definitely body corp, but faulty electrics is the owner.

Just looking for confirmation :)