Brisbane Rezoning - Subdivision

I'm from Perth and moving across to Brisbane.

I have a pretty good idea of the development areas within Perth, however draw a blank page for Brisbane.

I would like to know of areas currently being rezoned / subdivided that are within 20ks of the CBD.

Older suburbs with larger blocks undergoing urban renewal etc

Any help appreciated!
Cheers, Jason
Hello Jason

Anything within 20km of the CBD will fall within Brisbane City Council. Your zoneings here are Res A and LMR.

For Res A blocks you will need a block that has a 20m frontage with 900 sqm of land. You can split these blocks into two 450sqm blocks by applying for a DA.

You will also find there are existing blocks that are on two titles but have a single dwelling. Therefore all you have to do is remove the existing dwelling and build two new homes.

One has to exercise caution though as some houses are protected from removal and other issues such as access to services need to be considered.

LMR sites allow you to build units, town houses and duplexes with 50 to 60% GFA depending on the location. You have to go through the DA process and these sites will be impact assessable.