carbon tax thread

I will stand by this and absolutely eat my own socks after a hard days work in front of all here to see if this does not come to pass. Windsor will retire or be annihilated...I stand firm on this with TC.

And to Evands words...." I see it on the street, I know I live's right";)

I hope you are right, but all the same you need to be wearing edilble socks for that special occasion. :)
Here is a quote to think about:

"We are being asked to buy an insurance policy against a risk that is very small, if at all, and pay a very heavy premium." S.Fred Singer (2000).

Regards JO

mmmm sounds like something spoken by Warren Buffett.
I dont know if anyone else can see the correlation here, but Buffett is nearly a master at matching risk vs return.

Now lets see, from Warren Buffett:
'the market pays a pretty high insurance for clarity' or words to that effect.

In otherwords when the risk environment is all clear, when there are few 'known' risks on the horizon, then the price paid to participate in that risk will be high. Hence the risk return payoff will be low, and even more probable, the the 'real' risk will be significantly higher than the 'market priced' risk.
It's so far removed from a discussion it's not funny. People need to listen during a discussion. I commented 600 posts back the left was not listenign to the right, and the right is not listening to the left. Nothing has changed, and nothing will.

Ah Dazz, its even more funny than this.
The labour government is not listening to its own mainstream voter base. Instead its trying to pander to the left of left wing minority.

The majority of labour voters are left of central (just as the majority of liberal voters are right of central).

But this government is pandering too far to the left, its forgotten its main political base.

Its a Marie Antoinette government.
Ah Dazz, its even more funny than this.
The labour government is not listening to its own mainstream voter base. Instead its trying to pander to the left of left wing minority.

The majority of labour voters are left of central (just as the majority of liberal voters are right of central).

But this government is pandering too far to the left, its forgotten its main political base.

Its a Marie Antoinette government.

Well - they're only trying to appeal to the far far left because the far far left are the ones keeping Juliar in government. She craves power more than anyone else.
Well all a vote is going to do is reveal how well informed the electorate is about carbon tax. One of the reasons there's so much confusion and disagreement, is GreenLabor have intentionally obfuscated how the tax or ETS will reduce carbon emissions without knocking down our power and fuel consumption and substantially driving up costs of these. Politicians in general need to do a better job of educatiing the public about complex issues. But moreso the left as their solutions are generally more complex due to the redistributive motive concealed in whatever they propose.

Consider their current attack on the disability pension. GreenLeft have decided the criteria for determining someone disabled over the last 20 odd years has been wrong, and needs to be tightened. This has nothing to do with great changes in medical insight, and everything to do with the Left's naive ideology on how best to discriminate wants from needs, and personal from social responsibility. Redistribution is a mug's game if you are so green as not to understand this stuff.
Well all a vote is going to do is reveal how well informed the electorate is about carbon tax. One of the reasons there's so much confusion and disagreement, is GreenLabor have intentionally obfuscated how the tax or ETS will reduce carbon emissions without knocking down our power and fuel consumption and substantially driving up costs of these. Politicians in general need to do a better job of educatiing the public about complex issues. But moreso the left as their solutions are generally more complex due to the redistributive motive concealed in whatever they propose. Consider their current attack on the disability pension. .....

This, I believe has been a huge part of the problem as to why Gillard can't "sell" her tax.

1. She announced the CO2 tax with NO detail, after she and Swan made it VERY clear there would not be a tax under her Governance.

2. Then her party and The Greens, started on a scare mongering campaign...more or less belittling the community...calling anyone that questioned the tax an "extremist" a "dinosaur" or a "denier" - as if it's a dirty word etc etc.

3. The majority of the country were already questioning her and Rudd's:

a) Refugee Policy...same thing...start with The East Timor Solution- no detail....
b) Pink Bats..shonky dealings...people actually dying... not to mention Garrett's comment: (almost verbatum) "Don't worry, once we get in, we'll change everything."
c) Her Building The Education Revolution....people are still waiting to be paid and we have a school hall that fits the children and not the parents on P&T night for $2mil.

4. One of the biggest problems: Kevin Rudd was canned because he was ridiculously unpopular and wanted an ETS and Gillard was brought in the back door. "Fair go, mate."

This Government has completely undermined the Australian Public and taken everyone for a fool. Worse still they are CONTINUING TO DO SO.

They have left it up to the majority to do their own research and question the tax....leaving the detail for far too long. They allowed Abbott to tour the country....feeding on the unpopularity of a tax on a country that barely escaped a recession and could be heading for another downturn....if not recession.

It is too late...she has lied and noone believes a word she says anymore. We can all see this tax is a farce.

Regards JO

Ps: Got my propaganda in the mail today. Sending back unopened to Ms Gillard herself in Canberra and husbands to local MP.
What annoy's me is when the Labor Government announced their Carbon Tax in February of this without any detail, it essentially put the whole country on hold, the confidence of business & people has collapsed. We are now seeing bad retail figures month on end, a downturn in the property market month on end & other industries holding out on further investment because of the unknown.

The Labor government say it's all about JOBS JOBS JOBS, but what about the hundreds of jobs being lost because of the lack of confidence & spending at the moment. I'm sure the young girl who makes sandwiches at the local cafe who has just lost her job because everyone has decided to take their own lunch to work isn't going to cheer & go apply to become a site manager of a wind farm project or the guys that just lost their jobs because no ones buying jeans at Jeans West, what are they going to do??? Plant trees. I wouldn't be surprised if we will be importing these Green jobs from overseas as we wont have enough qualified people to do these jobs, thus sending more money overseas whilst many Australians are losing their jobs.

I don't think it's a coincidence that retail, property & other industries currently in a down turn have been so since the Carbon Tax was announced. It's confidence that drives JOBS, JOBS, JOBS not another tax. Labor just don't get it!
When you look at what labor do in certain areas, for example, asylum seekers, overseas aid funding, UN participation, and anything to do with the third world (I remember when Gordon Brown became PM of the UK he spent an extraordinat amount of time visiting Africa and even said he was going to ensure every African child had a good education.- All this when the kids in UK schools didn't have enough books to go around) I always think they care more about foreigners than they do their own people.

I am sure this comes from some kind of inner guilt they feel and their belief that Thirld World poverty is the fault of the West and their colonialist past. The other bit I don't understand is why they tell the populace one thing but do exactly the opposite. This hypocrisy shows they have no integrity. A typical example is Rudd flying to all the global warming conferences with a large entourage eating the best lobster and drinking fine wines and in so doing putting hugh amounts of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere and then coming back and telling us to ride a bike and turn the lights off to save the planet.