Cashflow Game



From: Mike .

Has anyone played CASHFLOW 101 by Robert Kiyosaki? What were your thoughts?
From: Scott
Date: 6/21/00
Time: 7:28:09 PM

Before I start, I would like to thank Geoff for introducing me to this site. I ran into him at an Auction last week and he mentioned this site. I am very impressed with the range of topics covered...and there are no wankers. Or so it appears :) What a great way to keep in touch with like minded people!

I got the game Cashflow last Christmas and have only just recently got around to playing it.

I found it to be quite good as far as basic investment and money management principals go. I found that the discussions after the game were much more valuable (to me) than the actual game itself.

I have discovered that you can learn quite a lot about people by the way they play the learn about their risk tolerance, their organisational skills and their real knowledge of investing (not just what they say they know)....

Any other comments from those that have played, or those that would like to?

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Reply: 1
From: Mike .

Re: Has anyone played CASHFLOW 101 by Robert Kiyosaki? What were ...
From: Carmen
Date: 6/21/00
Time: 10:53:54 PM

Scott I also have the Cashflow Game and I love it. It's like a funny tool to keep in touch with your goals and learn at the same time. I use to play Monopoly but Cashflow took over.

The only disadvantage I found with Cashflow is the lengh of the game. I don't mind how long it takes to get out the rat race, however I find very difficult to get people around me motivated enough to play. So if anyone out here in Melbourne wants to play Cashflow let me know.
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Ian W

Reply: 1.1
From: Mike .

A great learning experience....
From: Ian W
Date: 6/22/00
Time: 7:31:32 PM

Hi guys,

I bought Cashflow 101 last Aug as an educational investment. I have played many games with family and friends (and 5yo granddaughter)

Two of the couples we play with are now in the process of buying IP's, One probably would have bought anyway, the others, I think, were inspired by the possibilities the game makes you consider. I haven't moved yet, suffering from analysis paralysis and the need? to clear some outstanding debt.

I've found looking beyond the game aspect most rewarding. Considering different strategies, starting points (janitor, doctor etc. consider why is it so difficult as the doctor?) educating younger players (we regularly play with 15&16yo) and as Scott commented, the discussions of strategies, finance and opportunities that we might not have seen before, that continue for weeks to become part of your life style.

A note for Carmen: If the game takes too long, try bolder strategies, Buy with an eye to quick capital growth, sell out and move to big deals. Quickest game we've had was about 20 mins out of the ratrace and dream bought on the first throw on the fast track. It left us with an empty feeling, no real challenge. I guess that was because, if you're instantly successful (in any endeavour) then you haven't made any mistakes, and you haven't learnt anything.

Winning the game really only signifies the end of the play. The real winners are of course, the ones who have learnt something or gained some inspiration and at the end of the game the players that learnt the most may still be "little rats going around in circles" Ah!! but there's always next time and then there's real life!!

We love the game and are hoping to buy 202 and maybe Kids Cashflow at the Money show in Sydney this w/e. We will also be at Gee Cee's lunch. (...must reply to post)

Ian W

For other comments checkout the Rich Dad site at

There are separate forums on 101 and 202 and also for playing groups (world wide).
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Reply: 1.1.1
From: Mike .

I played last weekend and do so regularly
From: Robert
Date: 6/22/00
Time: 6:17:36 PM

I'm also trying to see if I can get a deal out of POW WOW (the suppliers of CF) if they will do a deal on CF201 and CF for Kids

But last weekend I played I should have been out in 3 goes, it would have been luck of the draw but isn't that what life is all about!! I stayed a bit conservative and had to go around the rat race for 30-40 minutes before I got out.

The game is both one of enjoyment, but once you look under the surface you'll see a large array of strategies. I try and choose a strategy before I start a game and go with it from there. If I'm successful great I learn, If I'm not successfull great I learn....

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From: Mike .

Anyone WANT to play CASHFLOW 101 ???
From: Les
Date: 6/21/00
Time: 11:30:14 PM

G'day Scott,

I bought the game after devouring "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" - it is something I could have done with 20-odd years ago. The fact that one has to "keep up with the numbers" as part of the game is a plus - and the underlying tenet (growing passive income to exceed your expenses) is a timely reminder of what we should be doing.

The game itself (after playing some 10 times) still throws up surprises for me - and serves to point out some basic truths. One of the most surprising is the fact that it is easier for a janitor to leave the ratrace than a doctor!!!!

I endeavour to play it approx. once a month - and usually learn something new each time I play (which could just indicate I have a LOT to learn ;^) ....

One of the unforgettable quotes of RDPD was Kiyosaki visiting a tenant of his; the tenant's daughters were playing Monopoly - RK said to tenant "Did you ever play Monopoly?" "Yes," said the tenant "but I stopped when I grew up". Kiyosaki then points out that HE NEVER STOPPED playing Monopoly - the houses and hotels just got bigger!! And that made the difference between him, and his tenant!!!!

Regards, Les
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From: Mike .

Re: CASHFLOW 101 ??? - Yes please
From: Robert
Date: 6/24/00
Time: 10:48:41 AM

My step father has taken the game a bit further now so it is actually "CASHLESS". He plays with a Debit/Credit sheet that you have to fill each turn and/or each developement (sale/purchase).

I haven't played it this way yet but will soon. It's a great idea cause it teaches you to read a cashflow statement as well. If CF101 is going to be played on the lunch weekend let me know and I'll organise some copies to bring in for everyone to use.

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From: Mike .

Re: CASHFLOW 101 ??? - Yes please
From: Les
Date: 6/24/00
Time: 1:50:05 PM

G'day Robert,

That could be a great way to minimise the amount of room needed too. I'd be very interested to see what your stepDad has done.

Will reply here closer to the lunch date.

Regards, Les
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