CF +ve in Perth/WA....Thing of the past?

There must be problems with website, its been happening to me all day when searching for property's, sometimes you click and it loads the pictures and detail of property, sometimes it goes back to homepage.
re probs with RE .com

...and i thought it was just me. Been happening all day to me click on title of property and go back to homepage. Some listings working but most are not.

Rixter said:
Spiderman, the link just goes to the homepage.

Since this morning, the link to it seems to have stopped working.

However search under 'Merredin' and $25000 to $50000 and it comes up.

'More Info' just returns you to the homepage, but there is still enough info to follow it up.

just hit the link and had "No Problems"?

Would 3000 population base be enough ( I thought about 3,000 + when looking at +CF IP's some time back then increased my search to 10,000 as 3,000 seemed to be a low potential tenant base) and what is the population trend?

In an Ideal portfolio my preference would be a balance of + and - Properties, acquiring +CF would help somewhat with serviceability , however IMHO most successfull +CF Investors require constant momentum (buying more +CF IP's) then they move onto acquiring CG IP's as well
redwing said:
just hit the link and had "No Problems"?

Would 3000 population base be enough ( I thought about 3,000 + when looking at +CF IP's some time back then increased my search to 10,000 as 3,000 seemed to be a low potential tenant base) and what is the population trend?

In an Ideal portfolio my preference would be a balance of + and - Properties, acquiring +CF would help somewhat with serviceability , however IMHO most successfull +CF Investors require constant momentum (buying more +CF IP's) then they move onto acquiring CG IP's as well


I think you may be confusing CF+ (cashflow positive) with +VE (positive geared) properties. They are 2 completely different senarios.

The link spiderman provides is to a +VE property.