How do you deal with nasty neighbours?

So the story goes...

We moved into our PPOR a few years ago, as soon as we step into our property, our neighbour came and greeted us with warm welcome which was quite pleasant.
However, since then our relationship has gone down hill.

We are decent neighbours where we never had any problems with anybody.

I am sure she has alot of free time on her hands and someone who constantly complains just about anything and everything. Yet when time to solve these "suppose issues", its always another problem on top the other
The last lot of complaint was "can you chop down your tree? its root might come over to our fence" keep in mind the tree is 3M away from the fence

Now, the question is, how do you deal with this kind of neighbour?
Ignore, confront or other.... Share you experience??
I reckon their everywhere, without being rude I just tend to keep to myself now, however if the war begins and you need a new tactic this is what u do...

Take a nice Sunday drive down to your local fish market and pick out some juicy fresh calamari tubes ( still whole guts and all) and return home and package in some black garbage bags. Once nicely aged, throw on top of their roof late one night and then wAit for a few more days to age more appropriately ( this is more effective through summer in blistering hot days ) eventually a stench so vile that its putridness cannot be named will emit itself so vile that a quick phone call to the local council will satisfy your satisfaction and leave your neighbour somewhat embarrassed

It should be illegal for people to dry calamari on top of their place of residences
Bon appetite
It should be illegal for people to dry calamari on top of their place of residences
Bon appetite

I am just concerned that her 30+ pidgins that lives on her roof might end up eating it all before anything, and yes, these damm things poo all over our property all day everyday... and yet the women complains about our tree root.. You feel me?

I did ask her once whether those birds were regiestered with local council, and she gave me one of these face :eek:
I am just concerned that her 30+ pidgins that lives on her roof might end up eating it all before anything, and yes, these damm things poo all over our property all day everyday... and yet the women complains about our tree root.. You feel me?

I did ask her once whether those birds were regiestered with local council, and she gave me one of these face :eek:

What about a bit of rat bait on her roof. Perhaps your nerf gun can reach across to it. Now where's that air rifle I had as a kid? It would fire all kinds of things across the yard.

Or the nice Christian response .... Kill her with kindness - wave whenever you see her, especially out in public. Smile ever so nicely. Tell others what a lovely neighbour she is.
Not sure if my neighbours across the road are having a row with their neighbours but they have had that Carley Rae Jepsen "call me maybe" song up loud on repeat since I got home from work which is a pretty mean thing to inflict on the world
We have road frontage on 3 sides. The neighbor across one of those roads insists on planting trees on the verges on our side that we are responsible for maintaining. :D
We have road frontage on 3 sides. The neighbor across one of those roads insists on planting trees on the verges on our side that we are responsible for maintaining. :D

Not if you accidently run over them with your mower. It is bindii season and you were community-minded enough to kill the weeds on the verge.
Now, the question is, how do you deal with this kind of neighbour?
Ignore, confront or other.... Share you experience??

That's not so bad! I'd either ignore her, or just tell her that you have no intention of removing the tree.

Here's one for you. Previous PPOR. When we bought it, neighbour used to park their car on our yard. You know, up their driveway, but over to the side, basically on our lawn. There used to be a tree, and the edge wasn't being used & was really messy.

Anyway, one of the first things we did was remove the greenery from the side, making the yard look heaps neater than before, but they still parked on our lawn. So......Hubby goes & asks nicely if they could please park elsewhere, so we can get our lawn to grow.

They whinge that they've always parked there. Well, yes, the huge ruts left by the wheels indicate this, but it is our lawn, and we would like to keep it neat, from now on. Some angry words, etc and the job is done & they didn't speak to us again, which was fine by us.

However, they had a teenage girl, a bit older than our daughter. Mean spirited thing she was! Used to scream abuse if our cat walked on their lawn. Constantly tormented our girl at school and made her life hell.
Nasty Neighbours

Hiya (careful long post)

I find it quite interesting all the responses above. They all seem to be a tit-for-tat response which work towards a LOSE LOSE result.

A few years ago, when i built my granny flat, i had a call from a back neighbour who was upset. I think her exact words were :" i did not move into this area (implying posh??:confused:) to live behind a granny flat..."

I could have responded with tit-for-tat (it's my land and i could do pretty much blah blah blah)..but truth be told, i was pretty shocked to respond. Also in my culture, such blatant outbursts i have rarely come across.

Anyhow i sat down, had a whinge to my hubby and then told is only going to simmer and get worse PLUS we are going to be neighbours for A LONG TIME.

So, i swallowed my pride, picked up hubby (as a shield), walked to my back neighbour and knocked on the door. I think she was pretty shocked ..i could see she was pretty shaken , and so i gave her a HUG:eek: Then we proceeded to talk about it and i tried to see her point of view and assured her i will do my best to get a suitable tenant so as not to disturb her...

A year later....everyone is happy as larry and we are still good neighbours...

Morale of story: no harm to try for a win-win result first...failing which you can kick-a or start buying calamari...
Our PPOR, which we bought in 2008, has a neighbour on each side.Each of them own a garage, which is on our land.(a little bit) They are both neat freaks with their lawns..which is nice. However when they started to try to get Rob to remove some stuff in our back yard (old appliance from an ex-tenant), he told them they had better not **** him off, or he would require them to remove their garages.
A couple of days later, one neighbour came over and offered to take the stove to the scrap yard in his truck (we didn't have a truck).
After that, these neighbours have been great. The previous owner never lived in the property, and it was only a rental.(5 unit). For us it was our family home..each of our 4 kids took a unit.
That's tame. When your neighbour puts doggy do-do in your letterbox and when you put gloves on and throw it at her and she picks it up with bare hands and throws it back, Then she calls police on you, that is nasty. :D .
I'd just say, no worries, I'll get some quotes. Next time say that you are saving up for it. Then say so much time has gone by you need to get some new quotes, etc.