I don't want to go to work tomorrow

Have you asked for leave during this year? If you have and they have said no then I would move along soon. If not then let them know you really really need a break...like NOW!
Much faster than replacing you income with passive investments to quit a job you don't like is simply to reverse the procedure.
Crazy as it seems, I'd agree there's some merit in this... I was "forced" out of the workforce due to ill-health. Prior to that, I'd spent years dreaming of ways out of a job which, at times, I hated. Once my bridges were burnt, it was amazing how many opportunities I saw! :D I was very fortunate in having my husband's income to keep the family afloat for the few years that it took for my activities to become self-sustaining, but had I not had that income to back me up, I feel confident that I would just have found a way to become self-sustaining sooner! ;)

It's that old "necessity is the mother of invention" thing again...
Crazy as it seems, I'd agree there's some merit in this...
I see it as mad to stay in a job simply because you are building your assets for the future and just plain sad if all you are managing is to pay the bills and not accumulate assets. I don't want to be the person who has 10M in equity but has spent their entire 20's and 30's working as a slave at a job they wouldn't do for free to fund that.

For me it's the lock-box fantasy. You have passions you would follow if given the means, but you lock them away in a box while you do something you would rather not to build 'the means'. But you become the road you travel to an extent, so you aren't the same person by the time you are ready to open your box when and if you ever get there.

I could have more equity if I had stuck to my job 3 years ago, I've pretty much treaded water (not a bad result actually) as I've pursued my long tail payoff dream in my new business and had plenty of enjoyment doing so. I got to live in a different country, travel extensively, 'work' (never ever experienced a 'I don't like Monday's moment') at my job when and for how long I wanted, experience a lot of freedom. All at the cost of some lost short term net worth potential, a decent trade off in my opinion.

It seems crazy until you really consider the alternative. If you aren't doing what you love then why not?
That's all. I don't want to go. I need a break. I've had 2 sick days and no leave in over 12 months. I think I'm sick. Even if I'm not I think I could convince a Dr that I need a day stress leave. I just need a break. I'm tired. I'm over it.

Sounds like something/someone at work is not quite right. Take time off, step back, and reflect.

As others above have said - you really need to get to the crux of why you turn up to work.

My own personality is that which finds passion in helping people. This is the core function in my job. Because I am enjoying what I am doing, it has had several side-effects:

1. I hardly take leave. In fact, it has got to the stage where the company is trying to "encourage" me to take some

2. I find that I am in a position of power with regards to my work condition etc. So I work a 9 day fortnight, and don't rock into the office until 9:30.... but I do get the work done. (I even woke up and got out of bed before the alarm this morning!)


The Y-man
If you dread going into work every day - then you need a new job.

Put things into perspective.

If you were going to DIE tomorrow - would you still be doing what you are doing today? Now you don't need to take the to the MAX and throw everything away - but if you life isn't great a lot of the time - then you need to make some changes!

I find it very easy to forget that all we have is "now" - the imaginary times of "passive income lifestyle" and in two weeks and in two years.. don't even EXIST. They exist only in our mind, we could be hit by a bus tomorrow! We only have the moment.. now, now.. and now.

The power of now :)

I ended a relationship yesterday based around the power of now. It was unhealthy, it wasn't serving me well, and it was making me miserable. So. It's gone! :)

Perhaps a new job is in order..?
Well I just received a note home in the kidlets' schoolbags- industrial action/snap strike TOMORROW! So, guess I get a day off. But know what? I want to be at work; I needed to be working, and have put a big strain on my co-workers with such short notice. I'm peeved. Teachers are holding us to ransom and costing me $, once again. Not happy at all.
I really enjoy my work, but I find I need to take fairly regular days off to recover and find my "spark" again.
A few weeks ago, I took 1 1/2 weeks off, but I think I needed a longer period. I think a 3-4 week holiday is what I need right now.
I have worked for myself, and I can strongly recommend being a PAYE employee!! Being able to rely on someone elses money to keep the business going is a great relief!!
But I think you need to have a day or a week off Luce...... its really important to refuel. Otherwise you get burned out and you are no good to anyone.
I always want my staff to look at the long term picture. They can work themselves into the ground for a couple of weeks, or even months, but in the end, they will then need to take a longer break, or they'll leave. So, they let the team down more by going overboard in the short term. We should be able to do our work in a normal length work day. It shouldn't be necessary to work long hours and not take holidays.... it may be necessary for a short term goal, but if its a regular thing, then the work place is structured incorrectly.
I also think that strong discontent is sometimes a sign that its time to move on.
I had that feeling too, sitting on the edge of the bed in the morning thinking what an I doing going to work and feeling really depressed. I quit that job after being in the same place for 12.5 years. I've left the trade I was in for 30 years and am trying something different, it's still in construction, the pays not as good because the hours are longer but at least I don't wake up feeling depressed every other day while leaving home. Sometimes a change is good for one especially if it takes you out of your comfort zone. It was for me, getting so far out of my comfort I have too much to think about to worry about getting depressed. That was six months ago and I don't know if this is what I want to do but I'm glad I made the change. Having said all that Mondays are a hard day but for most this is only a short week I hope your one of them.
I used to have this sort of feelings - of wanting to take the leave. Well take it and get recharged. There are so many ways of taking it. For one, go see the GP and I am sure that you can get agreement that you need one or two days off for your mental health!

Being an employee has its advantage - building the assets and the company perks. However, the politics and the petty mindedness are matters I can now gladly do without.

Being young, I am sure you still have many opportunities to try different work environments and arrangements to suit your personality, and this is an option you could try in the current employment market.

I do hope you can get your recharge soon. :)
I have a job I actually like and never dread going to.
I also have a co worker who is constantly moaning about wanting to quit work.
She could quit tomorrow, if she stopped handing money over to her adult children. Two still live at home and the other has purchased her own home , but my co worker gives the daughter $100 for every 5 lbs she loses (diet).She figures she would just give it to her anyways, as she is struggling financially.(daughter is a nurse,)
She never checks prices at the supermarket.(her own admission). Her sons never pay enough rent to cover their food.
She could give up the second car.Stop spending money on junk food at the vending machines etc.Her husband would be able to claim her as a dependant on their tax return.
She is becoming more moody and starting to fight with other co workers.
Her other 2 sisters are on long term disability...I think she is jealous.She has no one to blame but herself.

sounds like my mother in law.
But I think you need to have a day or a week off Luce...... its really important to refuel. Otherwise you get burned out and you are no good to anyone.

...or maybe even a day off per week at this point.... Take every Wednesday off (my preferred RDO) - it's great. 2 days on, 1 day off, 2 days on, 2 days off.


The Y-man
I'm peeved. Teachers are holding us to ransom and costing me $, once again. Not happy at all.

Hang on a second. The teachers are striking because they what, want to make your life harder? You can't possibly be serious. Those damn teachers striking for better conditions! Unbelieveable! How dare they put you out like that!

Hi All,

Guess what? I'm sick today! No, really, I'm coming down with the flu! I'm so happy! I can have a sick day and not feel like I'm lying :)

Gives me a chance to get some other things in order too.

I have 3 weeks leave coming up in June, and the long weekend this weekend, but I was starting to get really PO'd because everytime I asked for just a day's leave (a 'sanity day') I kept getting told we had no cover, it was too busy, etc., etc.. And the whole time I kept hearing everyone else calling in sick (highly unlikely that they're all so sick so often) and I was getting so cranky because I didn't want to be forced to lie just to get a day off.

Going to spend a bit of time today thinking about the starting a business suggestions too...

Take a break Luce.

I've worked a fair while at a job I don't like. The cashflow from the job is too much to resist most times, but I've taken two weeks off and am in the middle of a good time in outback Qld. Strange mob these fellas out here.

My plan when back at work is to ask for a 4 day week. I'm tossing up between a Monday and a Wednesday. Y-man comes up with a few good pointers for Wed, but the lure of having a long weekend every weekend seems appealing.

Everyone does bugger all on Friday, so I'm definitely going to charge a full day for that little lark.

The 1 day off per week for me is not so much for my mental sanity, but more to schedule property jobs, as I find during business hours I cannot get anything done, and after work no-one is open.
I don't want to be the person who has 10M in equity but has spent their entire 20's and 30's working as a slave at a job they wouldn't do for free to fund that.

Why not ?? I've met many successful people who have done just that....most of the blokes in the oil patch I meet have done this to get ahead, not to mention all of the folk in the mining and cattle stations. They all work their ring off for big dollars to cruise afterwards.

.....although the 10 figure is a bit light on.....make it 50 and she might be worth it....hahahaha
Hang on a second. The teachers are striking because they what, want to make your life harder? You can't possibly be serious. Those damn teachers striking for better conditions! Unbelieveable! How dare they put you out like that!


Excuse me, Mark, but I am being serious. The reality is they ARE "making my life harder", as a consequence of the push for these "better conditions". Obviously, Mark, I do not view this as a deliberate, personal attack but the end result, as shall be confirmed in my next paypacket, will indeed be a financial loss incurred by myself as a DIRECT result of the teachers' industrial action. I do not disagree with the desire of the sector to increase their wages/ conditions, but I do disagree with the method in which these changes are sought. I believe, and as you are aware I am entitled to my own, adult opinion, Mark, that this constitutes an abuse of power.
I would also like to let you know that I found your return comments sarcastic and an attempt to belittle. Was this your intention?
I see it as mad to stay in a job simply because you are building your assets for the future and just plain sad if all you are managing is to pay the bills and not accumulate assets. I don't want to be the person who has 10M in equity but has spent their entire 20's and 30's working as a slave at a job they wouldn't do for free to fund that.
Gee thanks Andrew!

I'd happily be that bloke!! I'm 38 now and only have a tad over $1M in equity and nowhere near enough to retire on. I'm trying to build that base but its hard going at present. I don't want to be working a salary job, but its a means to an end. I've flagged 2015 as my exit date and am doing everything I can to make that a reality. I'll be 45 by then and hopefully not too old and bitter to enjoy life. I wish I could stop work tomorrow but I can't. I'm slave to that big six-figure salary which is keeping my property portfolio afloat.

I need a Sydney boom to get me out of the rat race.

I was starting to get really PO'd because everytime I asked for just a day's leave (a 'sanity day') I kept getting told we had no cover, it was too busy, etc., etc..

You've taken it the wrong way.
This is a GOOD thing!

This is the point at which you start talking serious remuneration.

If you are critical and can not be covered, and they have admitted it, they need to pay. Be nice about it, but it is time to request the 20% increase (or you will start taking time off for interviews).


The Y-man
When I decided to use a big block of leave some years ago, crazy as it might sound, I went and worked another job that was completely different from my "day job".

Some things that came from it:
1. it paid well!
2. I got a different perspective of my own work
3. got to meet different people
4. picked up new skills which came in handy for my "day job"


The Y-man