
Well done. I know how difficult it is going back at an older age but stick with it, soon you will be running the place :)

The clearance took a while. I start work tomorrow (March 3rd).

So my first pay for over twelve months. My first job for nine years where I can go home and not have the strong possibility of people calling me. And the next public holiday will be my first paid one for as long as I can remember (I was a contractor in IT).
Well done Geoff.

Enjoy the change.
With one more week of the course to go, I've been offered a job- pending security clearance, which shouldn't be a problem.

It's entry level IT, but with the chance to progress, with lots of opportunity for training in all sorts of paths.

In one way it's almost a pity, as I had been planning a big OS trip- my first holiday in 10 years. But I really wanted to get back into the field. I found out during my study that I still really enjoy IT, and now I can finish my working career doing something I like.

Geoff, I predict you will do well.

As someone, like you were, someone who use to employ (but now I am going the contractor/other income path) we both know the young ones MAY look the goods but the work ethic and attention to service is often lacking.

You will impress them with your maturity, problem solving, and customer service.

Keep us informed.
