Just testing

Just testing my ability to post and reply to posts.

Wondering if someone could say HI to me.

Hoping this is the place to do it.
Well can I talk to myself?
Will it appear in the forum?
I can't even find this thread in the coffee lounge.
What a fool I am.
Hello ....... Hello....... Hello......
G'day JustAMum,

Nice name, of your ten posts you don't mention your location.
Being a sticky beak I would love to know. This goes for everyone,
part of this forum is to feel that we know you. It's a male bonding thing. Helps "us" to know you better.
Keep posting.

Bruce G.
Good to see you posting JaM... glad that the F5 thingo worked for you.

Welcome to the forum, and I hope you get some good value from it.

Your handle (geek for nickname) reminds me of a member of this foum some years ago. She was a battler- but a strong willed one- and an entrepeneur. She's now a millionaire (I guess), and is the founder of the Freestylers group (amongst other credits). Affectionally known as TW (from her original handle "The Wife"), Nivia is now a major success story- including being the subject of several stories on national TV.

So, "Just a Mum"... Go for it!
Ok, someone had to say it...

you are never JUST a mum...

you are ALSO a mum, MUM first, property mogul second... etc...


Welcome to the forum!

asy :D (Also a mum)
Hi to all of you (From JaM)
- I'm from Melbourne and have been around the Forum for a long time.
Thanks for putting up with my initial stumbles in using the updated forum.
Jas - thanks for responding and encouraging.
Asy - I LOVE your Dr.Seuss quote - so inspirational
GeoffW - Thanks (Once again) for the F5 clue. Is there anyother way I can set up Internet Explorer to auto update changes, except by F5?
BBruhham - hows the male bonding going?
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G'day JustAMum,

The male bonding is going great! We males are a wonderfull
species. Walk into a pub(hotel) and within two minutes of drinking your first beer you're mates with a couple of fellow drinkers. Solving the problems of the world etc etc.
Unfortunately you women can't do this.
Shame really.

Bruce G.

Winners make it happen.
Losers let it happen.
Bruce G.
Yes, its such a pain dragging the mob of children at our heels into a pub for a DESPARATELY needed medicinal ale - but then thats a womens lot in life, don't you agree?
Originally posted by JustAMum
Bruce G.
Yes, its such a pain dragging the mob of children at our heels into a pub for a DESPARATELY needed medicinal ale - but then thats a womens lot in life, don't you agree?

Yes, our lot in life is sewing circles, and kitchen teas... and knocking down walls...and ripping out carpet... and hanging out in chat rooms ;)

G'day JustAMum & Jas,

One of the best things about being a male is "we can't have kids".
Are we blessed or what?
They (someone) said giving birth is like blowing a football out of your left nostril. Lucky you.
When my second "grot" was born the Qlympics were on. The 'missus' was just about to give birth, same time Australia were running into the straight for a gold medal.
What was a man to do ??? Qlympics or the birth of number two?
I chose the to watch Aust. go for gold. They lost.
No more "grots" after that.
I hope both of you are very happily married girls.
If you're not, come to Sydney, at Mosman Rowing Club on Sunday nights they have "recycled nights" keeps the girls happy, looking for new partners.
Just a thought!

Bruce G.
G,day again JustAMum & Jas,

Come to think of it what's this playing with your computers at
3 o'clock in the afternoon?
Shouldn't you be scrubbing floors, getting your wonderful "grots"
bathed and fed.Then cooking hubbies dinner. Laying out his slippers etc etc.
Talk about a good life. Didn't Malcom Fraser say life wasn't meant to be easy!
Another just a thought.

Bruce G.
Oh Brucie babie,
what can I say!
You have such a firm handle on life.
So refreshing to see such caring and sharing attitudes to humanity?
You still forgot to mention, not just feeding and wippng our little darlings bottoms (who said they needed a bath), and tending to our poor stressed hubbies EVERY personal need, but that we need to go to the bank, fix a tenants damn toilet, negotiate late payment with another debtor, and budget for the next week, if not year, much less meet the tax mans requirements.
Women these days they just don't know how easy they got things!
Originally posted by JustAMum
Women these days they just don't know how easy they got things!

Oh yes JaM,

So true

*As Jas is passed another cocktail on the side of her $ shaped pool*

How true, how true.

Must fly now to get my hair done, and just pop down to a restraunt for lunch with a friend, before playing tenis and picking up the little darlings for day care.

(Is that a child asking politely for luch - better go)

Thanks for the fantasy.
Something I received a long while ago- a gem (After I made some sort of comment COMPLETELY IN JEST!)

Well let me tell you, while my husband may be bringing home the bacon, i do all the IMPORTANT stuff, like...chatting on the internet (cultivating new friendships and keeping our social life alive cause lawd knows i aint got much of a life with wee little ones and a non helpfull hubby) And driving hubbys heir to and from school, alright, i might be doing that in a nice warm car with my favorite music up load, and stopping to have a bit of a nag nag with the other mommys, but its still whaaaay more important than bringing home the bacon, I also peruse the supermarket aisles, hunting, for the best bargains, and i wont even tell you the horror i go thru trying on new clothes with a sticky 3 year old...and THEN...im expected to FEED everybody at the end of the day.....now i ask you, could you cope with my lifestyle ??..i think not! It's very hard work...now if you dont mind, i have to go get my nails done before i have to pick up the heir apparent, and the sticky one from daycare.....have a RELAXING evening, hope your wife cooks you something nice for dinner!

*blowing razberrys at you*
G'day JustAMum,Jaz & GeoffW,

You poor little things, working your fingers to the bone.
That's why men are the masters of the world. We employ property managers to do all that stuff.
I don't think I've ever lifted a finger to solve my rental problems,
for 5% of the rent the P.M. does all that.
Never mind ladies it will stop you from watching Days of our Lives
and The Jerry Springer Show.
Jerry is good value! I watch him when I can.
Now back to work girls.

Bruce G.

Winners make it happen.
Losers let it happen.

Girls take note, you need to read this and remember it.
Delegate the work!!!!!!


What I posted was a VERY tongue in cheek from the most succesful business person I know.

And I thought the funniest thing I had read from anyone for a long time- but I guess I knew the circumstances.

I'm a male, a "master ofthe universe". I aspire to do as well as the person who posted this.
G'day GeoffW,

Slips, I thought the little lady and you used the same " handle"
( with the amount of postings you produce, I assumed all the family posted under GeoffW).
My investing skills are pretty poor, three units, a taxi, shares, managed funds and a couple of unlisted property trusts.
Managed funds is a big no no. If I did that part again I wouldn't
give managed funds a second thought! Financial advisers are nothing more then used car salesmen/ insurance agents.
Burn the b*****ds!!
They tell you that their commission is just 3% etc, they don't tell you that the 3% is for the life of the investment. Any fool can look up all the managed funds in their state newspapers, giving all the information so you pick the same (or better) funds that they do.Their commission comes from you and the fund they sellect for you.
Enough of these ramblings.
Most of my postings are very tongue in cheek.

Bruce G.

You have two ears and one mouth.
Which is more inportant?