Letting Of Steam

Hi Folks,
I know it has been a few months or so but I have been ill to say the least, "Diverticularitis, Ross River Fever and Plurasy" all at the same time". It has been rough, I have been lurking this forum from time to time, so I have been about.

I know with some of the things I am going to say some of you will say "John never put your eggs in one basket". I am a very loyal and honest person and if you have followed some of my posts you would have gathered that.

Because I am such a loyal person all my loans, for PPOR and all my investment properties are with one bank, "I know gasp horror", you may ask "WHICH BANK", hint hint, my super is with the same bank, you may ask "WHICH BANK", all my insurance policies, cars,ppor,ips are with the same bank, "WHICH BANK". But I have found that loyalty means "NOTHING" to this bank. Remember I deal with no other bank, but one, "WHICH BANK"!!!!

Early this year I had a phone call from "WHICH BANK" a few months after settlement, "OH sorry John but we made an error of a few thousand $$$ setting up the loan and we are taking it out of your account tommorrow, just letting you know so that you do not get a shock when you next check your balance". My reply yeh fine honest mistake go ahead.

Month later settle on another ip, few months later settling on yet another ip and through the course of this I realise that I had been over charged $3500 in the setup of the previous ip loan. I take this up with "WHICH BANK" and the reply, "Oh yes sorry John there has been an error". 7 weeks later I am still waiting for my reimbursement!!!!! Want me to continue this nightmare!!!!!

A month ago my ppor was broken into, of all things taken, "My fishing gear" I pay top $ for my gear as I only buy things once so my gear is always top of the range. I have never ever had anything stolen from me before in my life so all this was new to me.I reported the incident to the police etc. I was in shock to say the least, so I never really had a good look at what was stolen. Weekend came around and the full extent of what had been stolen had hit home, not just fishing gear but power tools etc.

I had the Insurance company guide me in making a claim which belongs to "Which Bank" you may say!!!! My claim came to about $3000, now this was a month ago. Today I recieved a cheque for $400, I feel "SPAT ON" as I never even claimed for half of what I eventually found had been stolen. I phoned their call centre and they said that they will call back, guess what, no reply. "Well as of tommorrow all my policies will no longer be with "WHICH BANK", I have already spoken to my broker to move all my bussiness away from "WHICH BANK" , oh plus all my super!!!!

Thanks Guys for hearing me out
I feel better

PS my keyboard is suffering though!!
Revenge is a meal better served cold !!

G'day John,

Whew, mate - talk about a rough innings !!!! Almost seems like everyone's lining up to kick you when you're down.

Just experienced our first robbery about 3 months ago - it is one of the WORST feelings. But then, "they" repeated the incident about 4 weeks after - must've cruelled their day, as we hadn't yet replaced anything. And we've now spent money on security lights, extra locks, etc. Almost doesn't feel like "home" any more.

But anyway, back to you. When you wrote this:-
guess what, no reply. "Well as of tommorrow all my policies will no longer be with "WHICH BANK", I have already spoken to my broker to move all my bussiness away from "WHICH BANK" , oh plus all my super!!!!
my immediate thought was "Revenge is a meal better served cold!!!" And I wonder if you'd do better by lining up your ducks, attempting to sort out their errors, and getting to have a chat with the Manager of the branch (to your satisfaction) - and THEN taking away all your business from them.

I'd hate to think that your action (if you take away all your business immediately) might have them LESS inclined to fix up anything (as they've already lost you!). But, by stating your piece, insisting on them fixing the errors, getting it all square ......... THEN you get square with them - along with a suitably thought out letter (that'll probably be healing for you in writing it...)

Thinking of you, John - good luck whichever way you choose to go.


Life's a B*tch ain't it! Good on you for having the fortitude to get through that really rough period. I like your approach with the bank. Seems the only thing they understand is that which hits their hip pocket.

Did you get an answer yet on why only $400 on the $3,000 claim? BTW, I'd be extending that claim to cover everything you've now spotted has gone missing. I'm with Les too that you should line up all those ducks and get everything sorted to your satisfaction BEFORE you walk. Once you're gone they won't give you the time of day.

Keep us posted and keep the chin up.

Thanks Guys,
I plan to take the day off tommorrow and visit my bank, some noise will be emmitting from an office. No reply yet from who ever the bank call centre was going to get to call me back.

I will "GET" my reimburcement, "PLUS" on the over charge.

My wife sits beside me at present and sees that I am sooooo upset and she is saying to me don't cut your nose off to spite my face!!!. "Man I hurt at present" Truely I feel insulted and makes me feel as if I was dishonest in some way. Getting quotes etc shop keepers are saying, look we will quote you for more expensive models etc. I would not even have a bar of it, and yet $400 is what I get back not the $3000 which is still way short of what it should have been.

No wonder so many people are tempted to claim far more that what they are entitled!!!!


I agree with this whole-heartedly:-
"Man I hurt at present" Truely I feel insulted
And I'd think anger would be playing a starring role too!!! Why? Well, you said it:-
Because I am such a loyal person all my loans, for PPOR and all my investment properties are with one bank
It seems the loyalty is only running in one direction though - and that must hurt big-time. In my recent drama (robbery) I certainly wasn't put through this !! But, if I had been, I'd be making a noise too - and then walking once it was all resolved. HOW DARE THEY ?????

Get your justice, John - but serve the meal cold (could be a week or two out, giving them time to send refund cheques, etc) I reckon you'll enjoy it more after the initial "heat" (anger) has mostly gone - and they'll be less likely to expect it then (since they've been "so good" in settling things with you... )

Hi John,

Cant add much to what other people have said above, and my best wishes for resolving everything the way you want it to work out..

Just one thought - have you thought of forwarding your complaint to the Banking Ombudsman? Ive had a complaint in the past with a major lender, who seemed to have taken the same tack your bank has. I mentioned I had engaged the Banking Ombudsman, and they suddenly changed their tune, and quickly too :)


Try emailing or phoning the Ombudsman's office and telling them your side of the story - its free, easy to do, and in some cases makes the bank realise that the adverse publicity isnt worth what it might take to keep you as a customer.

All the best John,

Jamie :)
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Sorry to hear of your plight!

Remember, it doesn't matter what bank or 'which bank'.....all you are to them is a NUMBER, an account NUMBER!
They don't know you, they really don't want to know you, but they DO want your money!

Hi John.

Sorry to hear of your current rough trot.

Stick to your guns.

Hope this crap ends soon, and you can move forward and it will all be a memory for you.

An update,
first thing this morning I dialled the branch number, got a call center instead. I said that I wanted an appointment to see the bank manager. "in relation to what matter" was the question asked. I said that I was going to shift all my insurance policies, investment portfolio, ppor and super from the bank.

Guess what they would not even put me through to the branch to make an appointment. They gave me 2 more call center numbers to phone!!!! I phoned the first and was told hold please I will get some one to help, 8mins 22 sec later I hung up, was just left on the phone on the end of the line listening the recorded message telling me how good the bank is!!!!!

Second call center number 15mins 43 sec later I hung up no one answered!!!!
Phoned the branch number again and I "fibbed", I said I phoned earlier and was going to be put through to the branch to make an appointment with the manager and my mobile phone died, "Bingo" put straight through to the branch.

Now I got told that the manager and assistant manager were busy and one will phone me back. 3 hrs later I was in my car heading straight for the bank. My phone rings and the assistant manager is on the phone, I tell her that I am on the way to the bank, " Oh are you seeing some one here" was the reply.
Man that was a red flag to a raging bull!!!!!
I first phoned at 8:30am and finally got to speak to the assistant manager at 2:30pm. At this stage she is doing all in her power to sort out the problem, she is upset at what has transpired and things are being resolved.

My super is currently being transfered to another bank, Insurance will be shifted to another isurance company. I will wait to see how long it will take for the $3000 odd to be reimbursed before I do anything else!!!


Man you've had a bad day.............worse than mine and I've got a huge bald streak on one side of my head from using the clippers on the wrong setting. Doh. :mad:

Hope all is resolved very soon for you.

