Mid-Life career change - options

I'm giving serious consideration to a mid-life career change but I really can't pinpoint what I want to do. My current profession of 13 years is IT and I'm over IT !! ;)

My passion is property. On our 3rd reno atm. and am very hands on and worked for electricians and builders many years ago.

Also love the finance, researching, manage one of our IPs etc. Defiinitely don't want REA. Buyers Agent/Advocate would be nice but still require RE license in Vic.

I deal with client relations, service level agreements and once thought about contract administration in construction but where to start?

Anyone made a successful mid-life career change into a property/construction related field? what did you do?
About 10 years ago my story was very similar. Over a decade as a software, I was over it, but I loved property investing and was thinking of a career change in that direction. I was also lucky that I received a retrenchment which gave me the kick I needed to make the move.

I found mortgage broking to be an excellent fit. It's not a hard sell like property sales and it was a much better fit for me than property management. In many ways it's a lot like some IT projects; there's processes, social engineering and most importantly problem solving. Whilst it's certainly a sales role, it's one where you're trying to solve a problem and if you can do that well, it sells itself.

I was fortuante to have an excellent mentor with some of the best brokers in the country as part of an extended group. I believe this is critical to success. I'm now also mentoring new brokers and have been delighted with their success.

Give me a call if you think you'd be interested in finding out more.
Similar story to PT but not really a mid life career change - more of an early life one :)

Hated the 9-5 PAYG and became mildly obsessed about all things property investing.

I wanted to work in real estate - but didn't want to be selling it. The finance structuring aspect of property investing always came easy to me - and I was lucky enough to have an excellent mentor and access to a network of some of the best IP related brokers in the country.

It was hard work early on - but it ended up being one of the best decisions I've ever made.

