Movies that inspire you

definitely the movie "300"

reminds me to Harden the F UP

and gets the adrenalin going and makes me want to go out and do something

plus makes me less patient with people with "first world problems"
That's my wife up there....but that's not my house. Put the meter back on.

Best love story of the 80's: Die Hard

So many others:

Apocalypse Now
Clockwork Orange
Rocky Horror Picture Show

They all take me back to different times in my life.
Inspiring motivational movie ...


My favourite movies ( at the moment ) . Contact , The Usual Suspects and Death at a Funeral

The pursuit of happyness,Forrest Gump,Its a wonderful life,The Castle,The Godfather,The full Monty,Notting Hill,Love Actually.
My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions and loyal servant to the TRUE emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.
Some movies that inspire me in different ways:

Remember the Titans
(Importance of others and challenge of bringing people of various backgrounds together to work as one and overcome the odds)

Men of Honour
(Respect from others comes from your actions, not your place in life or rank. Have great tenacity in your attempt to achieve your goal.)

Rocky IV
(So many things you could take out of this movie. A couple of quick ones are, you don't need the latest and greatest equipment to get the job done [shiny object syndrome]. The battle is won in the mind. The importance of focus and to do away with distraction.)

Rudy ('93)
(Determination and grit will take you further than talent alone.)

Money Ball
(Change the establishment/tradition. To look at things from a different angle when you don't have the necessary funds and/or resources.)

Coach Carter
(Importance of sticking to your principles and giving back. Holding yourself and those you lead to a higher expectation of standards. Self respect and self reliance can do wonders for a person.)