Party wall consent

Hi, I've been asked to sign party wall consent to allow my neighbour to lodge their DA. It looks fine - they are going out with a one level extension rather than up and there shouldn't be any impact on us. However, would it be a good idea just in case to ask them to sign an agreement to make good any potential damage from the extensions? Has anyone done this before? Does a solicitor need to do it? And something I was considering was commenting on the application that as our adjoining property is a rental we would like them to consider the impact on tenants and restrict building work to reasonable hours. Or would the council consider that a superfluous matter? Any advice gratefully received. Dallee
My brother approved his neighbours to put an extension onto their place. He had a great relationship with them & took their word on it, without really looking at the plans. It now blocks all the morning sun from their yard/ kitchen. The neighbours put a skylight into my brothers place to try & compensate for the loss of light ... It has seriously devalued my brothers place.

Have a close look at the plans to make sure it doesn't impact on you.
I think any overshadowing is more likely to be the other way round - the neighbour's extension is single story, whereas we want to go out and up in the next few years. I'm keen to give party wall consent unless there is a hidden pitfall as it keeps relations cordial for when we extend. Dallee
hey ther dallee,
I would always view the plans to see their possible impact on you...even if you let your neighbour do as they please, you can bet your bottom dollar that when it comes time for you to do your extension, they will be looking after their best interests.