RBA to drop rates by 0.5% next meeting

One can only hope they're right and they do drop 50 bps.

At this time there is far less risk in being that little bit too loose with MP, than there is with being that little bit too tight.
CBA won't commit to following the cuts down.....as ANZ won't......why? well they say because there's turbulent waters at the moment.

what they mean is they are more reliant on foreign wholesale funds more than ever before and will remain that way, they have exposure to foreign investments that are at high risk of being bad, they have already taken losses on sub prime exposure. ergo, they need to increase profit margin to cover those losses.

NAB is worse.

will be interesting to see what the banks do. spin off the trouble in the US to not pass the cuts, and increase margin..... or pass the cuts to improve confidence.
we just need one of the banks (or smaller lenders) to break ranks ...

i wouldn't be worried to much about a .5 drop - the market generally takes around 6+mths to regain it's confidence after the rates drop, so those who are smart will take advantage of the window.
CPI figures dont come out until 22 October.

Gonna be a tough call for the RBA.

It's not the ideal situation, but if the RBA thinks laterally (and not only literally) about what it is they are charged with, then a cut of some magnitude is easily justified.

From the RBA site:

It is the duty of the Reserve Bank Board, within the limits of its powers, to ensure that the monetary and banking policy of the Bank is directed to the greatest advantage of the people of Australia and that the powers of the Bank ... are exercised in such a manner as, in the opinion of the Reserve Bank Board, will best contribute to:

(a) the stability of the currency of Australia;
(b) the maintenance of full employment in Australia; and
(c) the economic prosperity and welfare of the people of Australia."

Since 1993, these objectives have found practical expression in a target for consumer price inflation, of 2-3 per cent per annum. Monetary policy aims to achieve this over the medium term and, subject to that, to encourage strong and sustainable growth in the economy. Controlling inflation preserves the value of money. In the long run, this is the principal way in which monetary policy can help to form a sound basis for long-term growth in the economy. [my emphasis]

The CPI target was used as justification for judicious tightening during that phase of the cycle, and while it is still, at 4.5%, above their desired band, the mandate they have (repeated verbatim above) does specify that 2-3% is a medium term target (not an absolute) and that they aim to "encourage strong and sustainable growth into the economy".

We're likely already headed for recession. Keeping interest rates that fraction too high isn't going to help.
If they drop again in October it'll be .25% - no way .50%, same as last month when they were predicting .50%.

Question is will they drop at all in Oct, or perhaps wait until Nov?
Swan just announced he is going to inject 4 billion into propping up the non bank lenders.

Does anyone want to work out what interest rate decrease that is equivalent to?
Swan just announced he is going to inject 4 billion into propping up the non bank lenders.

Does anyone want to work out what interest rate decrease that is equivalent to?

What does this say about the state our lenders are in?? I notice Swan made the announcement after the stock market closed on Friday. Will be interesting to see the impact of this announcement on financials on Monday.

What do you think WW??

Regards Jason.
If they drop again in October it'll be .25% - no way .50%, same as last month when they were predicting .50%.

Question is will they drop at all in Oct, or perhaps wait until Nov?

my money is on 25bp, but i still think it may be Nov, not Oct, that they drop.

however a lot of people i speak to are expecting a drop in Oct.