Real estate agent annoying tactics (story time)

The misses and I live in a "secured" (needs security swipe for elevators) apartment complex near Sydney CBD. Last 2 nights we've had presumably the same RE agent knocking on our door around 6-7pm.

As it's a "secured" block, I was very surprised the first time I heard the knock and thought it was the other half playing a prank. I was pretty annoyed when I realised it was a RE agent and told him politely to go away. I didn't even open the door, just heard his voice saying which agency he was from.

This was last night, the agent came again tonight except I wasn't home this time, gave the misses a scare. I'm not sure how he's able to access our floor, maybe through the fire stairs.

Any suggestions on what to do/say if he comes back again? Was thinking of contacting the police for harassment but seems a bit drastic.
Have you considered
  • the REA may be employed to do something useful for the BC,,
  • the REA has a swipe card to enable access to accomplish that purpose
  • there may be a single holdout that is preventing 'something useful' occurring
Why not ask what the REA wants, when the knock comes at the door
99.999% ahole, leaves a tiny wiggle room for 'something useful'
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This story doesn't make sense - why wouldn't you at least ask why the RE was there?

I'm guessing you knew what he/she wanted? In that case, why didn't you put that into the story?
Apart from not wanting the agent to smell that you have the drug lab cooking away, why not find out why he is inside the building without invitation?
I'm not sure how he's able to access our floor, maybe through the fire stairs.

Have you tried the fire stairs?Anyhow if the REA is gaining access via the fire stairs,contact BC to fix the security breach

Any suggestions on what to do/say if he comes back again?

Firstly i'd ask,can i have a look at your I.D.

How did you access the building?

Lastly tell the REA you are renting ;)

The REA may have accessed the building by buzzing another tenant.

Or rung BC and got the KS code,which in most cases there is a KS for utilities and maintenence to gain access.
"Hi what can I help you with?"

Common sense is not very common these days

@DaveM, I did, he asked if I was renting or an owner and I said I'm not interested either way and for him to go away. I understand he's doing his job but it's annoying and intrusive for him to return. It's like those telemarketers that keep calling, at least you can ignore the phone call. Ignoring someone knocking on your door feels lot more stressful.

@Spades: That's a good idea, I'll send an email to building manager. I've used the fire stairs once when I left my pass at home. There doesn't appear to be a lock on the outside so I'm assuming if he followed someone past the foyer door, he can just walk up the fire stairs I guess. I'm up 7 levels, must've been a workout for him.

@Chilli-Didn't know about that law, I'll keep it in mind if he swings by tonight :cool:
Stressful?-I thrive on people knocking on my door be it bible bashers or someone selling etc.

Marketeers are fun on the phone as well.
My best for a telemarketer is 19 minutes
the door-to-door dont come any more

Are you sure Zomg, that it is one of the 99.99% of REA, not the odd one out that isnt an a-hole, there for a reason
Telemarketer calls me on the landline:

Eg:I answer-Constable Steve.Jenkins of ******* Police station.

Reply:Oh sorry,i was looking for *******(note-The name they provide is not me btw-there just phishing)

Me:Thankyou for your call,your number is on the data base.

They hang up.

Ps.My mates ring up and get a laugh.
Telemarketer calls me on the landline:

Eg:I answer-Constable Steve.Jenkins of ******* Police station.

Reply:Oh sorry,i was looking for *******(note-The name they provide is not me btw-there just phishing)

Me:Thankyou for your call,your number is on the data base.

They hang up.

Ps.My mates ring up and get a laugh.
My favourite game is to tell them I will go and get the owner of the house and leave them hanging on the open line.

They usually last about 40 secs before they hang up..
I have my 3yo answer the phone. If it's someone I want to talk to i.e. friends or family they'll chat to him, if it's a telemarketer they soon give up, works a treat:D