Recommendations for wooden floorboards tradesmen in Sydney (hills) area

Hi guys,
The wife has been in my ear for a while now, and now I am starting to like the idea (so her plan has worked)...
I am looking for people to recommend a tradesman to sand/polish some wooden floorboards at my PPOR.Good quality work, middle price range (though a cheap good one would be even better). Please tell me if you what they charge.
Around 34 sqm will need carpet pulled up , sanded (and screws tapped down/putty put in), then polished. Another 16sqm has already been polished, will get that repolished at same time.
Thanks Asy Just on the verge of finishing my last 2 jobs in sydney
Moving to broad beach Waters in 3 weeks time.Will be looking forward to some of your get together up there'.
Perky Cut carpet with standley knife in manageable sizes then pull off floor.remove all staples then get a quote.Reason being the sander can see the state of the floor and you would get an accurate quote .(boards need repairs,black japan,holes in floor etc
The nail punching and puttying is part of the job.The going price will vary between $18 to $30 a square metre.
Just make sure the person has a licence with Fair Trading.Since the value of the work to be done is over $200.00.A contract must be sign by both parties before the job begins.Pick the person who will sand at least 4 times before coating and that they sand between coats.Beware of the contractor who can finish the job in one day.These cowboys do a rough sand and a fine sand a coat of sealer.a coat of poly/tung oil and wham bang thank you I am out of here.Which does not do your floor any justice.I operate more in the East/south Sydney area so cannot recommend any one in your area,Ibelieve a fair price is $23.Armed with te above information you should be able to pick the right contractor for the job.
Good luck Layer181
Thanks Layer181....I will ask the right questions now!!
Does anyone know a good one in the Sydney area (doesn't have to be a Hills person!!!!).....