Seen any good movies recently?

Went and saw LIMITLESS at the movies recently

It was only on at the Gold Class cinema so i was forced to sit in the comfortable seats with footrests and enjoy a beer and chicken kebabs with sweet chilli sauce
Limitless Quotes

Vernon: You know how they say we can only access 20% of our brain?
[Vernon points out the NZT pill on the table]
Vernon: This lets you access all of it.

Carl Van Loon: Your powers are a gift from God or whoever the hell wrote your life script.

Eddie Morra: Not many of us know what it's like to become the perfect version of ourselves.

And to add to the above

“Research shows that you begin learning in the womb and go right on learning until the moment you pass on. Your brain has a capacity for learning that is virtually limitless, which makes every human a potential genius.”

Michael J. Gelb quotes
My absolute favourite movie is Black Hawk down. Based on a true incident, I love war movies, action though in no way am into violence. I think growing up there was still so much media attention regarding the Vietnam and Korean wars. We also learnt all about WW1 WW2 at school, and had relatives involved and killed in action in WW2.

Brokeback Mountain to, excellent a very sensitive movie, very sad. All the more so because it showed Heath Ledgers wonderful acting ability, that we are no longer able to see.

I do want to see that movie Black Diamond.

Only saw Avatar last night, was shocked as I do not normally like sci fi type movies but loved it, beautiful love story really. My opinion was not influenced by being related to the star by default.
We saw "Paul" the other night and loved it. It is done by the Hot Fuzz guys. We could have watched it again as we missed so many lines from laughing!
Brain candy but very enjoyable.
Yep, good movie - I saw it 2 weeks ago and really liked it. Don't want to give the film away, but discussed with friends whether the possibilities mentioned in the movie would be a good thing or a bad thing if they could be achieved by everyone.

Yesterday I saw Barneys Version and enjoyed that. Not a chick flick and not an action packed blokey movie - a story of 4 decades of a mans life. Dustin Hoffman plays the father of the main character and I love it when he plays the part of a 'dirty old man' 'cos he does it so well. You'll recognise a younger Hoffman as soon as he appears on screen too - the family likeness is so strong. I haven't bothered looking him up but guess he's a son/grandson(?) of Dustin.

I watched 'Inception' with Leonardo DiCaprio twice, thought it was excellent and made you think long after the movie had finished.
"The King's Speech"..


Another one I found by accident on tv the other night was "Black Dynamite".

Very funny spoof about the blacks in L.A, gangs and cops in the '70's . The wardrobe and dialogue were spot on...

Hey! be cool Jive Mother!
I had a good crop of movies on my last overseas trip... although sometimes I wonder if being on a plane means that I'm less discerning about the movie!!

The Help was great.
Horrible Bosses and Bridesmaids both gave me a good laugh
Oranges and Sunshine made me cry, but fascinating story.
Cars 2 was fun...
Bridesmaids was very funny.

That movie is the funniest movie I have seen since I can't remember when! I have bought three copies as Christmas presents.

Don't have the kids around, while watching that one folks!

I am so into The Tudors at the moment. Big history fan and LOVE the politics.

Regards JO