So I upset one of the neighbours of the new flat

Lol great story. Some people just love to hear themselves whinge I think. Good on you for taking the higher moral ground and (trying to) do the right thing!
That's mighty nice of you to bother with a bottle of wine. I don't think I would have gone beyond apologising and stopping what I was doing.
Lol... what exactly did you write to her?

"I'm sorry, I hope the banging last night was not too hard"?

she could possibly have a baby!...

However I would be going through your body corporate notes/search info, and check if there is anything listed due to noise.. also you might want to make sure u go to the next AGM, because im sure the complainer will have something to say about the noise... or have something inserted into the bylaws!. imagine if u had a pet! :O
Just wait until Shi innocently shares the kind gesture of wine to others in the building...especially the complainer :)

:) and until she innocently share that she is not bothered with your banging last night as long as she gets some wine.

Ok. I better stop here.