Some Sad News

I just had some sad news today. My 28 yr old cousin committed suicide and his life support machine will be turned off today in hospital.

He had suffered depression over the past couple of years, and had recently turned to alcohol. This was his third attempt at suicide. Unfortunately this time, he succeeded.

Regards Jason.
Im so sorry to hear that Jason

my condolences to all

Ive had a few friends go that way and your always left with the question why,could it have been that bad
Suicide is such a selfish act. :(

My heart goes out to you and your family at this very difficult time. Hopefully he’ll rest at peace now.
My deepest condolences to you jingo. It is such sad news indeed.

I was only just at a funeral a few weeks ago for a man who also took his life. I did not know him personally, but know his partner well. So many people were there to farewell him that we could not all fit into the chapel. It makes you wonder if people really know how much they loved. If only they did...
I feel your of my best mates did the same about 18 months ago after a long battle with depression and substance abuse. He was still young as well, only 32.

I know some think that suicide is a selfish act but none of us can really walk a mile in those shoes. I've had some low moments myself over the years (as we all have) but when you add those intense lows to the likes of alcohol and drugs the odd are them at that moment it must seem the only way out....:(

Keep your head up.
I was once told by someone wise that during times of mourning we have a brief window where we can objectively observe our own life and mortality. I know this was the case for myself with Matty's death. Some positive may come out of a such a seemingly negative and discouraging experience.

All the best
Don't blame yourself Jingo. Certainly contemplate it. And learn something from it.

By learning to be more sensitive to the behaviour patterns, you might save someone else's life in the future. You have experienced something not many do, so use that experience constructively in the future.

And I don't mean to patronize. This is what I was told the first time I closely observed a suicide.

And something else to offer perspective. Working in a hospital, I got to know a multiple admission- alcoholic, multiple suicide attempts.

THen came to work one morning into ICU. There he was again. Only this time:

had a fight with gf
got totally plastered
went outside and tied noose to bus shelter
poured petrol all over shelter and set it alight
stood on seat and put head through noose and jumped
fire burnt through rope though and had weakened it

ends up in icu.....burnt badly, broken heel bones from hitting concrete, fractured c56 vertebrae, airways and lungs severely compromised by smoke and heat.
I know if I am ever in the situation of depression, or someone I know is, I would be getting blood tests done.
Severe depression is not normal and many times it can be as a direct result of poisoning or a blood imbalance.
Lead poisoning is more common than many know but for some reason often goes undetected.
My own sister kept having tests until she found out what the problem was.
Her body is not processing something vital and she will need supplement vitamin B injections every few weeks for the rest of her life.
She is one of the lucky ones, as many depression sufferers never find out what the problem is.
Depression and suicide are so insidious, I have first hand experience. Everyone close to the person is devastated, constantly asking if something could have or should have been done. The thing is it happens so quickly everyone is in shock for a long time.
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Severe depression is not normal and many times it can be as a direct result of poisoning or a blood imbalance.
Lead poisoning is more common than many know but for some reason often goes undetected.
The NSW Health Department state the most common causes of depression are:
  • Heredity- history of depression within your family
  • Biochemical imbalance
  • Stress- family break-up, abuse, ongoing bullying at school, rape, a death, a relationship break up, family conflict etc
  • Personality- people who tend to be anxious, have low self-esteem, are perfectionists or are shy
  • Learnt response
  • Post natal depression
  • Chronic illness
I agree that organic (physical) causes should be ruled out before treating any mental illness. However, organic causes are not common. Organic causes include cerebral tumors, underactive thyroid, drug and alcohol abuse, side effects of prescribed medications etc.

The reason that lead poisoning often goes undetected, is because people often present with minor, non-specific complaints such as headaches, irritability, sleeplessness, poor appetite etc. Also, there are no distinctive physical findings that lead poisoning exists.

Jingo, as someone who works in an ICU and has often seen the trauma turning off life support can cause, I send my condolances.