TV Watching Habits

Hi all,

I attended a Dolf de Roos seminar some time ago and I clearly recall him stating that "... if you want to be a success, grab your tv and throw it out the window" and that he hadnt watched tv in years.

I think that this has stuck in my mind because I quite enjoy switching the brain off and spending a couple of hours in front of the tube in the evening.

Will this really be my downfall :confused:

So I am quite curious, especially within the ranks of the more successful forumites. How much, if any tv do you watch and do you concur with Dolfs conclusions?

Greatly appreciate all input. Bernard.
hi sitting bull,

dolf is soo right, ..really, if you haven't got anything better to do than vegetate in front of a box that spews out adds then you really need to re-evaluate your life ... imho ....

As to those that pay for cable TV ...weeell you probably don't want to hear what i think of you...

Dolf de Roos hadn't watched TV for years because he probably threw his TV out the window - and his 'addiction' is reflected in his books...

Which just goes to show that throwing the preverbial 'TV out the window', does not help anyone except the council that might fine you, the glazier, and the TV repair person. Well, it hasn't helped Dolf.

Me? Not like Dolf's books? Think I'll go watch TV.


We are one of the 5,000 families which are part of the Australian TV Ratings grid.

Never much TV watching in our house anyway, but now we are very aware as each person must be logged in to the data collection thingo while the set is on, and that means entering and leaving the room, if a visitor is there, and even if we are playing a video or DVD.

So if Mike is watching the news and I go into to the room to watch the weather, we have to note when I come in and when I leave. Obviously, if enough people do this it indicates that watching the weather may be all that people have the TV on for. There is also an indicator if the set is left on but not being watched.

At 2am every day the data is collected. We have to advise if another set is brought in to the house, one is taken away, or if there is any other change such as cable TV etc.

It's rather fun, but hasn't changed our viewing habits. I still like to watch interesting programs and would rather have 'free to air' than hire videos or pay for cable.

But as for throwing the set away, that's like shooting the piano player and a rather immature attitude to take, perhaps Mr de Roos is a Luddite at heart!


I think it's a fantastic idea, I have attempted to do this whenever possible, though you are fighting the expectations of your family and friends who see you as deprived of a life essential. Longest break I have managed in the last 7 years would be about 10 months.

Remove the tempation instead of trying to resist it works better for me.
I enjoy a few special programs.
However, since becoming involved in property investing, I have noticed I watch a lot less.
TV can be informative and relaxing.Like they say, everything in moderation.
The tv list watch with lady love ^
Holmes on Homes: "Make it right" building repair (great there are repeats of years worth on five channels)
Suze Orman: Investment television Saturday 11:00pm
Jeopardy: put brain in gear
Coupling: funny as sh-
CSI: doesnt everyone
Everwood: its so cute
I enjoy a few special programs.
However, since becoming involved in property investing, I have noticed I watch a lot less.
TV can be informative and relaxing.Like they say, everything in moderation.

I'm with you Kathryn....everything in moderation. One can only read, spreadsheet and research properties so much...then tis time for a break. I watch one-hour of tv a day. Tis my vege time as a reward for having diligently applied myself to work.:D
TV = exercies time. My exercise bike is in front of the telly - so if I am watching TV, I need to pedal :) (I really should hook up a generator as power supply for the TV, so if I don't pedal, I definitely don't watch :D )


The Y-man
In general I do not watch TV.

I watch couple of videos a month.

I can definately live without a TV. If I need to watch something special, then I can probably pop over a friend's place with a bottle of wine or something....

If I had my own house I probably won't ever buy one.
TV = exercies time. My exercise bike is in front of the telly - so if I am watching TV, I need to pedal :) (I really should hook up a generator as power supply for the TV, so if I don't pedal, I definitely don't watch :D )


The Y-man

Would that mean if you pedal slowly, you see the action in slow-motion?;)
As to those that pay for cable TV ...weeell you probably don't want to hear what i think of you..

I have Foxtel.. I have it so I can watch Discovery and various hobby type shows on How-To Channel.. there's some great shows on Woodwork etc..

I dont watch much television, but when I do, I like to watch educational things.. there's some great shows on Discovery/HowTo/Lifestyle that we'll never see on free to air things like "Industrial Revelations", "Massive Machines", "Woodworks", "Holmes on Home" etc.. I rarely watch Free-To-Air now..
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TV is mostly a waste of time.

I use it occasionally for entertainment. (I admit to watch it for maybe 1 hr/week).

I agree with Ross. If you can't think of anything better to do than watch TV during your spare time, don't be surprised if your life is getting nowhere.

TV is a great tool to manipulate people. That's what most ads are designed to do. :eek:

Used never to turn the set on during the daytime because I don't like daytime free to air TV. Now we have cable, I watch shows I want to, mostly Lifestyle renovation shows or History channel.

Very rarely watch anything free to air because I detest ads. We send the kids downstairs if they want to watch free to air so we don't have to even listen to the ads.

Don't really give a toss what others think of what I do with my time. Watching TV certainly has not stopped us making money.

Sometimes you just need a chill out session. In fact, what a great feeling, sinking into the couch for a spot of Property Ladder, or Hotel Inspector with a cuppa .... bliss!!!

One year ago today we were madly renovating our latest IP, working 12 hours, coming home to shower and drop into bed so we could do it all again next day. Hubby thought I was mad because he'd shower and go to bed but my oldest boy and I would sit up and watch one of the property shows we'd taped during the day. I was renovating all day, watched it again for an hour to unwind, and then go to bed and dream about renovating. I was exhausted!!

I don't watch what I call "rubbish" but would never tell someone who does that they are wasting their time. "Someone's rubbish is someone else's treasure" holds true for TV too.

We've built up assets while having a TV and watching it and think that generalising that watching TV is a waste of time is silly. It is like telling someone that opening that bottle of red is time you could be out there making dollars.

That could go for everything. Life is a balance.

I love cable TV and its offerings of Lifestyle shows, current affair shows and news. Love having the laptop going at the same time and surfing the net too. Very rarely do I just watch TV, I'm always doing something else at the same time. Thats because my time is precious, I've got lots to do and so I multi task. There have been many issues that I first learned about from TV and I've gone on to study those subjects in more depth.

I don't think I'll be giving up on watching TV any time soon.
I never watch TV, I agree with Dolf and I remember him saying that at a seminar I went to too!

I'm too interested in my own life to waste time on the lives of fictional people.

Even if there are some good things on TV, the fact that you have to waste time sifting through tall the garbage to try to find it, just dilutes down whatever was good in the first place.

Even movies without commercial interuptions are just garbage, there is a move away from family culture and life long relationships and a move towards, promiscuity, divorce and violence. It's almost fashionable in todays world to have no moral values. They even promote carrying a condom in your bag, just incase you meet someone you want to have sex with straight away. It's just pathetic!!!!

Then there is "the news" and current affairs programs that are nothing but sensationalised journalism and serve the purpose of glorifying victim mentalities. TV promotes being a victim in life and not taking responsibility for anything, it's all someone elses fault.

I'm discusted by it all, I never ever watch TV and neither do my kids and if that makes me old fashioned by todays standards, well then, I'm old fashioned!!!
I watch hardly any TV as it simply doesn't really interest me. I mostly only watch the news and movies on the weekend. I much prefer to browse the net, read, study, talk to friends etc.