TV Watching Habits

I don't watch a lot of TV, but that I do watch is documentary there is this guy, Bruce Parry on SBS who travels and spends time with tribes in some rather remote places around the world...

Am following Bob Geldof's doco on Africa...we have pay tv :eek: partner enjoys watching the how to stuff, he is not a reading type person and loves to watch and learn, then do for himself, there are some great information and education programs on pay tv.

Plus we have it for horse is rather a passion and business in our lives and important to study the form...good to know what the competitors are up to.

Australian story, ABC is an inspiring program...amazing people, courage and strength.

Occasionally...haa, well, okay once, we have watched a movie...but now pay tv has box office we can see movies here at home, partner is partial to a good movie and its good that he gets to relax and chill out...he enjoys his tv...he has 3 remotes..:)
They even promote carrying a condom in your bag, just incase you meet someone you want to have sex with straight away. It's just pathetic!!!!
Shame on them!!! :mad:

How dare they promote safe sex in an world where lack of education means teenagers and young people are needlessly contracting sexually transmitted diseases, and unwanted pregnancies are at an all time high.

Honestly, what were they thinking :mad:

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Hi all,

Sorry to upset the purists, but I like to watch, the news (especially the weather), landline, glasshouse, and most science fiction shows, and will occasionally watch a movie or a good drama, (oh and some sport like footy or cricket).

Kristine - does your family get paid for taking part in the Ratings ?

Hi LearningMan

No, but if we are still on the program after about four years we are eligible for a set of battery operated salt & pepper mills!

We are enjoying being part of the 'cultural assessment'. Everyone seems to deny somewhat vehemently that they watch any television at all. Why? It is not a sin, and has probably done more to educate the masses than any other invention since the printing press.

It entertains, informs, is an invaluable marketing tool, offers a forum for public comment, is a human voice in the house if you live alone, and there are some great programs - but that doesn't mean you have to watch everything!

Mike quite enjoys watching Jamie Oliver (he now makes the most amazing Yorkshire Puddings), daughter likes to watch Foreign Correspondent and Compass (she is off to Utrecht University in the Netherlands as a Monash Exchange Student [journalism] in 2007), and I really enjoy programs such as Midsummer Murders or socio thrillers like Cracker. The boys will tend to wander in if there are cartoon programs on, Southpark is a favourite but a bit too high brow for me!

When I had the child care centre we did not have a television on the premises, and many of the children (customers) were there from 7am to 6pm, yet they all knew how to say "Hey, Dude, let's eat pizza!' and what a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle was!

So we are pleased to have been invited to participate in the ratings survey. The young technician who installed the equipment has a couple of properties and it was interesting talking to him, too.

It's all good!


Hi all,

I really don't see the big deal in watching a bit of tele in ones spare time. If people really think that this will stop one from being successful they have IMHO a very narrow view of the world and may have lost touch with the average person.

I certainly enjoy a couple of regular programs a week (ie CSI) for pure entertainment and the odd interesting doco (ie. the 4 part series the age of aids) every now and again, and maybe the news now and again.

Whilst I enjoy investing and researching related books, websites etc and would class it as one of my main interests at the end of the day I still do it mainly to create wealth/passive income etc. (i.e. it is not an interest for interests sake alone).

Life should be about moderation and people should be able to watch TV (and not be manipulated) in moderation for enjoyment and information in much the same way that people can do other things in moderation (ie. drink alcohol, eat food, go to the movies etc).

my 2 cents

Jase H
I could watch just about anything on the ABC except the Glasshouse! Give me Spicks'n'specks any day! Seriously can't stand most commercial tv because of the adds (they definitely turn the volume up for them) and sadly SBS is starting to go that way. Have you noticed the increase in adds during Mythbusters lately?

As long as you have a balance between tv, computer, books, stereo and exercise you should do fine!

My 8 cents worth


thinking about it - i tend to only watch television whilst "doing" something else. for example, the tv is on right now while i'm typing this. i watch the news/weather during dinner, the antique roadshow while preparing dinner, some weekend programs while reading the paper - and last night while i was reading the latest api.

i must admit i do like to watch a few doco's - but so many of them are not very good, so i give them 5 mintues to grab me, and if they don't then i'm off to do something else. i can't stand reality shows (excluding rpa and medical emergency).

i remember when i worked so many of my co-workers coming in a talking about the soapies as if they were real - cringe factor! interesting to note that most of them are still there, in the same job, 10 years later.
This is 2006, not 1906 and I think TV plays an important socialisation role in the development of the (young and growing) human mind.

Dare I say that depriving kids of access to television completely probably does more harm than good.

Shame on them!!! :mad:

How dare they promote safe sex in an world where lack of education means teenagers and young people are needlessly contracting sexually transmitted diseases, and unwanted pregnancies are at an all time high.

Honestly, what were they thinking :mad:



How about doing nothing until you meet someone you have GENUINE feelings for???? Is that not safe sex?????

How about viewing sex as an expression of genuine love and permanent commitment? (that may mean waiting util you get to know someone!)

Honestly, promoting promiscuity is not a sense responsibility, yes you can use measures to reduce the risk of STDs etc but you are setting people up for FAILIURE in other areas of their lives.

A lack of self control and lack of sexual morality sets people up for failiure in marriage and other relationships (reflected by todays high divorce rate)

An increase incidence of marriage break ups could mean more child abuse, there is a high rate of children abused by step fathers and other people their parents bring into their lives following a failed marriage.

Sex without love is a negative not a positive emotion. It is destructive not constructive. There are more crimes in areas where there is a lack of tradional families. To quote the words of Stephen Covey "If we dont focus on building better homes for our children then we have to build more jails"

Being successful in life starts with moral principles, these are applied in a personal sense as well as a business ethical sense. People who lack these fundamental principles have a lower chance of success, they fail in marriage, fail in business fail in health.

Yes, you can teach kids safe sex, but teaching them to have self control and a sense of ethical and moral inteligence is a much safer than having sex with anyone like some kind of animal and thinking that you are responsible because of some latex invention!

I don't have anything against people that are promiscious (some are my friends), but I do view it as a "weakness" not an asset to their own personal success. I have seen far more people "happier" when they have strong principles in place.

Just my views!
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Live coverage of sporting events, concerts, documentaries, current affairs/news, educational shows, occasional movies, comedies, etc.

Nup, don't think I'll be getting rid of my TV any time soon.

Not that I watch a lot of it, but it's nice to have that option.

Bravo to those that decide to get by without use of a TV. To each their own, I suppose.

Choosy watcher.... I have specific shows I enjoy. I tape them to watch while I cook/eat dinner.

I don't have anyone else living with me at the moment. TV is a good distraction for me. Discovered,when I first moved and didn't have tv, that I felt most lonely at that time of day.

Each week I check the SMH Guide. It actually lists the SBS/ABC docos. Each night (if I am home) I check the guide. If I haven't circled an "interesting-to-me" programme then I don't switch on the television.

I do other hobbies while I watch. I have a book/letter/crossword/sewing project with me.

An hour is about my max. No couch and sitting on floorboards is a good limiter so my eyes don't go square (remember being told that if you watched too much your eyes would go square? Like the screen shape I guess:D )

I must say that SBS has had some interesting documentaries the last few weeks.... a "personality disorder of the week" situation on a tues evening (see the narcissist in action the other week? pretended he was a Doc with WHO for 18 years!). They show brain scans and I can impress myself by being able to locate the abnormal growth on the pituitary. I guess everyone else does that too. :)

*Tizzy* - I love the property shows on cable (watch 'em at my mums!)
*Kissfan* - I agree with you... if you let me nurse the nachos you can drive the remote!
Sitting Bull

I thought that your username was a reflection of your TV viewing habits :D

You got my number :D

Thanks everyone for your replies, quite a mixed bag. I dont have pay tv and must agree with most about the quality (or lack there of) of free to air programming.

Theres only really two shows I make a concious effort to watch and they are Star Trek and The Apprentice. I must admit those building/renovation shows on pay tv I keep hearing about sound very interesting.

Im probably being a little hard on myself as I dont really watch that much. As I said in my original post, I use that time to wind down so I only watch about 30 minutes or so in the evening and then the tv watches me.

I think I will still try and cut down a bit though and spend my time a little more productively. Thanks again for everyones input.
Shame on them!!! :mad:

How dare they promote safe sex in an world where lack of education means teenagers and young people are needlessly contracting sexually transmitted diseases, and unwanted pregnancies are at an all time high.

Honestly, what were they thinking :mad:


I agree with Jamie on this issue. There are many in our society that are promiscuous. If they learn to carry condoms (and use them) it will only be a benefit to society.

BTW, Xenia I am not in agreeance with the actions of these people, so don't misunderstand.
Actually I'd be more interested to see some hard facts to support Xenia's assertion that promiscuity leads to increased crime (which is basically what she said).

And as for morals and sex. Well, look no further than all those frock wearing child molesters hiding behind the church heirachies. Maybe if those guys "got some" occasionally they'd be keeping their hands in their own pants.

*Kissfan* - I agree with you... if you let me nurse the nachos you can drive the remote!
You're on, just hope you don't crunch too loud whilst I'm channel surfing.

Good to see you back posting, you were missing in action for a little while there.

Marty were missing in action for a little while there......

Thx for noticing.... I was on 5 weeks enforced leave with reduced pay (grrr) due to a work related injury. How charming after working for my company for 7 1/2 years to be told not to come in via a registered letter slipped under the door whilst I was out.

No computer at home and computer at local library all booked out. Being off work was a very stressful and distressing time. Back on track now and using my computer access to apply for other jobs. Send one up for me friends who have any inclination to do so....
I watch tv, I also have foxtel and enjoy watching the the sport and docos. I even have an xbox 360 and enjoy playing video games.

According to some I therefore am likely to be unsuccessful both in my career and my investing.

Bummer, I feel so inadequate now.
Actually I'd be more interested to see some hard facts to support Xenia's assertion that promiscuity leads to increased crime (which is basically what she said).

And as for morals and sex. Well, look no further than all those frock wearing child molesters hiding behind the church heirachies. Maybe if those guys "got some" occasionally they'd be keeping their hands in their own pants.


Zing! Well said Mark. Xenia, are you saying that watching television is the cause for all this violence?

Incidentally I have a special word for people who look at others over the tops of their spectacles whilst sipping their chardonnay's making ridiculous claims that watching telly is a guarantee to not becoming successful or that if you aren't going at 100 mph all the time you're somehow not doing enough. It's 'wan-kers'.

People need time to relax. They need time to wind down and recharge the batteries. For some that means watching a bit of telly. Dolf de Ross and anyone else that thinks like that can take their belief and shove it where the sun don't shine as far as I'm concerned.
